Chapter 7; Revelations and Secrets

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“Jessie… I love you so much, but if you say no, I’ll completely understand it…” She gave me a confused look as I took a deep breath. “Will you be my girlfriend?” Her eyes widened and I was sure she was going to reject me.

“Yes…” She breathed and fisted my t-shirt, pulling me down to her lips, kissing me passionately.


Niall’s POV

I was in my room, angry with myself for losing my control like that. When Jessie hugged, her scent hit me like a ton with brick and it was irresistible. My inner monster just woke up and took the control, and when Louis held me down, my powers just took control over her mind, making her feel a pull towards me. I smashed my hand into the wall.

“You okay?” Liam poked his head through the door, leaning on the frame.

“No! I can’t believe I almost lost control!” I said angrily. “It was supposed to be easier, but that was damn hard!” My hands shook in pure fury.

“I haven’t met her yet, but I wish I could soon. Louis, Zayn, Harry and now you tells me her scent is intoxicating. Louis came to me earlier, telling me her scent shifted all the time. She was chocolate, then honey and now her scent is warm vanilla!” He shook his head in disbelief. Liam was changed first, years before we met each other and made our little gang. He knew what we were going through, helping us where he could. He knew more than us and had the most control over his powers.

“Weird… I think she smelled like bananas, and Harry mentioned something about roses!” I said, in deep thoughts.

“Yeah, Zayn told me she smelled like mango tea.” He said, making his famous thinking face. “I’ll check in the library, after I met her” He left and I dumped down at the bed.

Jessie’s POV

We lay in Louis’ bed and got to know each other a while. My head rested on his chest, which vibrated when he talked. It was calming and I felt safe, by the way his arm was secured around my waist, my hand was wrapped over his toned stomach. We told each other some small stuff, like favourite colour, favourite flavours on different things, what we looked after in a partner and awkward or funny stories.

“Favourite pet?” He asked and rested his chin on top of my head.

“Mmm… Maybe wilder beasts” He chuckled and kissed my hair.


“Because they have a funny name” I giggled and he rolled me on top of him, my hair making a curtain around our faces.

It was a knock on the door, disturbing our moment. I groaned and rolled off Louis, who chuckled and pecked my cheek, before he walked over to the door, revealing a brown haired guy, with deep mahogany eyes. His eyes darted over to me as he walked in.

“You must be Jessie?” He asked and extended his hand. I pushed myself off the bed and grabbed it.

“Yeah, but who are you? And how do you know who I am?” I asked suspiciously at him.

“I’m Liam, and I know who you are because Louis won’t shut up about you, and you are the only girl who have been over here, so it was kinda logical” He chuckled and I nodded my head, before I turned my head to Louis, who gave me a guilty look and pecked my lips. I rolled my eyes at him, but kissed back.

“Louis, can I talk to you for a minute?” Liam asked, turning his attention to Louis, who nodded.

“Jessie, why don’t you get ready to bed? I’ll be there in a minute.” He kissed my cheek, and I nodded. “The bathroom is in that door over to the right of the bed” He chuckled and I wrapped my arms around his neck, deciding to tease him a bit, by brushing my lips over his. He groaned when I pulled back, leaving him with an annoyed expression. I chuckled and walked over to the bathroom, wanting to take a shower.

Louis’ POV

I walked out of the room with Liam. He turned around just outside the door and I closed it.

“What’s up?” I questioned, a bit annoyed for the interrupt.

“Jessie’s up” He said dead serious. I gave him a confused look, and he sighed. “I checked the scent changing. All of the boys said she smelled different things. Zayn said mango tea, Harry told me she smelled like roses and Niall said bananas, and I think she smelled like summer rain. You told me she smelled like hot chocolate, warm vanilla and honey. I don’t think it is dangerous, but it can send wrong signals to other vampires. She’s a mate magnet…” A mate magnet was certainly dangerous. She could, unconsciously for now, make her scent irresistible for all vampires, and it could attract the wrong type.

“I have to turn her…” I whispered. I was sad and annoyed. She would never forgive me if I turned her, against her will.

“I’m afraid you have to. She can’t learn how to control her powers in human state.” Liam said and with that he left me, standing dumbfounded in the hall. I went inside, and heard the water run in the bathroom. I chuckled and stripped off for bed.

Jessie’s POV

As much as I wanted to listen to what Liam had to say to Louis, I did as I was told, and took a long shower. I would never break the trust me and Louis have built up now, it was too precious for me. After shower, I wrapped a towel around me and peeked out.

“Louis…!” I whisper-yelled and I saw a movement on the bed.

“I don’t have any clothes here” I grinned shyly at him.

“You don’t need any” He chuckled, and he received a growl from me. “Calm down, babe. You can borrow some of mine” He got up from the bed and walked over to the closet, taking out a pair of boxers and an over-sized t-shirt. “There you go, baby” He threw the clothes at me.

“Thanks, Louis” I caught the clothes and walked back into the bathroom to change. When I was done, I walked out and over to the bed, where Louis laid, staring at the ceiling.

“Something wrong, babe?” I said softly, stroking his hair out of his eyes.

“I gotta tell you something, and please don’t hate me or be scared of me, okay?” He sighed and took my hands in his.

“Okay?” It came out more as a question and I tilted my head to the side.

“I’m a vampire, and you are my mate”

Beautiful Fairies <3

Hey, sorry for not updating the last week. I was with my family, without network, so I couldn't publish anything. But I have three new imagines, a new fanfic/story and six new chapters ready for you guys, so stay tuned. Tell me what you think of this fanfic or if you want an imagine on Kik and Twitter ;)

Kik: Sara_Mariah

Twitter: @nilsensara

Live Love Laugh

~ J

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