Chapter 1: A harsh slap back to the past

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Dedicated to aleheather

A/N: Hey guys. So this is a sequel to my first book Total Drama Reloaded. Don't worry for those of you who haven't read it. You don't have to but there will be times where one of the characters refers back to the book.

So I'll give you a brief summary of the what happened in the first book: Heather (one of the main characters) and Alejandro (the other main character) were in a game show called Total Drama, which is hosted by a 30 year old man who's name is Chris McLean.

They were paired up as a couple for the show because the two have loved each other for the past two years even though they don't admit this to the camera. The prize of winning the competition is $2,000,000, one million for the boy and one million for the girl.

Heather is the kind of girl who plays hard to get, but towards the end of the show, she breaks down her walls and finally lets Alejandro in.

Unfortunately, when they win the competition, a helicopter comes for Alejandro and he leaves Heather extremely heartbroken.

Now that you know what's going on, you can continue reading, 3 years after Alejandro left Heather.

Heather's POV

                 "Unbelievable," Lily burst through the door in her black stilettos. She threw her hat and apron somewhere in the room. Kicking off her stilettos, she went to the kitchen, grabbed her KFC bucket and joined me on the couch. "You won't believe what happened to me today,"

               "Let me guess. You got fired?" I took a drumstick from her bucket without peeling my eyes from the TV. Lily is my best friend, and I love her to bits, but she isn't the kind of person I would hire in my business.

                     "Can you believe it? Just because I was caught eating a little chili," Lily grabbed the remote and scrolled through the channels, totally ignoring the fact that I was in the middle of a movie.

                    "A little?" I laughed. Lily loves food more than anything. So it was hard for me to believe that statement. I have been living with her for nearly 2 years, so I think I should know.

             "Okay. I ate a whole pot of it, but in my defense, you can't leave food lying around and not expect me to eat it," Lily defended herself. She let out a groan of frustration before she turned off the TV. "There's nothing good on TV. Great, I don't get to watch a movie to calm me down and I'm jobless,"

                     "That makes two of us," I mumbled. I helped myself to another chicken drumstick. I also got fired today. I worked at this modeling agency I was offered. What I didn't know, was that the manager was a complete pig and kept on sexually assaulting me. I should have quit, but the money they paid me was incredible that I couldn't risk quitting and leaving that salary they paid me, so I had to put up with it.

Again, the same thing happened to me today. The manager had called me to his office. I thought it was to discuss business but again, I was so wrong. He had pinned me to the wall and had his dirty hands on me but his fiancé walked into his office, startling both of us. The manager then lied that I loved him, yada yada yada...then the next thing I knew, I was given the boot. But before I left, I made sure I gave the manager my boot, ensuring that it went all the way up his legs, to where the sun doesn't shine.

                       "Well, at least I have someone to sulk with," Lily said, enthusiastically. "Forget this. Lets watch a movie whether it sucks or not. After all, today hasn't peachy for both us," Lily took the remote and the TV came to life. She finally landed on Mean Girls 2 and that's how I spent my Monday evening.

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