Chapter 3: There are friends and then there are "boyfriends"

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The picture above is how the cast looks like (Alejandro, Heather, Lily, Trevor, Linda and Edward) Tell me what you think! :)

Dedicated to TDWTMelodyWish

I turned the door knob and rolled my eyes at what I see. This is the second time today I have opened the door to see two people 'osculating' with each other. It must be my lucky day (note the sarcasm)

Only they didn't bother to stop and acknowledge my presence. I'm kind of used to this (unfortunately) so I locked the door, went my room and locked it.

Sighing, I took off my clothes and climbed into the shower. I made sure to stay there a good 20 minutes so that I could ignore Lily and Trevor. After I was sure that they were done, I got out and shimmied into a grey sweatshirt written Abercrombie and Fitch and black sleeping shorts.

I dived into my bed and grabbed my phone. There were 3 messages from Attractive English Man ;)

I'm waiting~ Attractive English Man ;)

Heather don't ignore me~ Attractive English Man ;)

I know you received these messages. Stop ignoring me~ Attractive English Man ;)

I snorted.

You are ridiculous. I am not apologising to you. ~ H

Haven't you ever heard of sympathy?~ Sexy English Man ;)

No, but I do believe in something called 'blocking' ~ H

Please don't block me. Not until you apologise ~ Attractive English Man ;)

Is there any other option? ~ H

No. ~ Attractive English Man ;)

Then nope. Sorry, Mr Attractive English Man. Why did you call yourself that?~ H

Because I am an attractive English man ~ Attractive English Man.

Don't flatter yourself ~H.

Meanie ~Attractive English Man.

How mature of you. ~H

*rolls eyes* What are you doing right now? ~Attractive English Man.

I'm alone, talking to you. ~ H.

Loner. Do you want to go out? ~ Attractive English Man.

I rolled my eyes.

We just met. ~ H.

I didn't say we'd be alone ~ Attractive English Man.

Who will we be with? ~ H.

You, me and my reflection ~ Attractive English Man.

You're ridiculous ~ H.

I believe in love at first sight. And the first person I see everyday is myself in the mirror ~ Attractive English Man.

That is more the reason to my previous statement ~ H.

I need a proper answer, Heather ~ Attractive English Man.

When pigs fly, Edward. When pigs fly~ H.

That can be arranged *evil smile*~ Sexy English Man.

There was a knock on the door, making me put my phone down and walk to the door. I unlocked the door and opened it to reveal Lily and Trevor.

Lily was in a red, short dress with eye line, her signature red lipstick and red stilettos to match. Her hair was a curly mess and rested on her shoulders. Trevor was in a black leather jacket, a white shirt and designer black jeans. I wondered why they were here.

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