Chapter 4: You're B-U-S-T-E-D. You're busted!

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Rage guy going FFFFFFUUUU so that you know what Heather is talking about :)

Dedicated to @jkanel2405

I couldn't help but grin like a fool when I flopped onto my bed. Grabbing my phone, I scrolled through Instagram, stalking one or two people. Oh come on. It's not like you don't do it, too.

I took a long, deserved, victory shower as the warm jets of water hit me making me sigh in relaxation. Steam filled up the entire bathroom and the mirror was completely covered in steam when I got out.

I changed into my Batman t-shirt and leggings, then tied my hair into a messy bun. It was 7 pm and I was starving. I got out of my room to see Lily watching Silver Linings Playbook on Netflix.

I noticed a huge box of pizza, a takeaway from McDonalds and a large Pepsi on the table. My stomach growled which turned Lily's head. Immediately Lily saw me, she turned off the TV and gave me a look. You know, the tell-me-the-details-look.

I grabbed my Double Cheeseburger and poured myself a cup of soda. I took one bite out of the burger and sighed as I tasted the different flavors, which sent my taste buds to heaven. I took a big sip of my Pepsi and I saw Lily folding her arms, glaring at me.

I sighed. "Remember when I got drunk on Monday?" Lily nodded. "Remember the guy I was with?"

Lily frowned for a moment, trying to recall the person. I sighed because when it came to remembering people for Lily, her brain was similar to a goldfish. Unless they catch her attention.

Lily nodded again. "That's Edward," I said. Lily gave me the "duh" look. Of course she knew his name, he had introduced himself.

"The next day I went to work and it turns out that he works with me," I continued. I took another bite of my delectable hamburger.

"So did he ask you out or you asked him out?" Lily pressed. The burger got stuck in my throat. I wanted to get Trevor off my back but I can't tell Lily that he's been cheating on her. But I can't lie to Lily. She's my best friend and it hurts me when I lie to her.

"Actually, Lily, there's something I need to tell you," I said, my stomach going queasy and it wasn't from all that fat from the burger. "Yeah?" Lily asked, staring at me with an intimidating look.

"I'm not dating Edward," I admitted. Lily was puzzled. "I said that because..." I can't tell her. She'll either be devastated or won't believe me.

"You said that because?" Lily was waiting for me to continue. Suddenly, the smartest thing appeared into my head. "I'm trying to make Alejandro jealous. So I said I was dating Edward. I want that bastard to pay for what he put me through 3 years ago,"

An evil smirk appeared on Lily's face. "Good thinking. He'll see how much he's missing out when you're with that attractive English man,"

I groaned remembering that's how Edward is saved on my contact list. "Can you please not say that?" I turned on the TV, watching Silver Linings Playbook.

"What? I can't deny the obvious," Lily shoved a pepperoni pizza into her mouth, averting her eyes back to the movie.


After the movie, I thought about what I told Lily. That wasn't a bad idea, actually. So I got my phone once I was certain Lily was in bed, and I texted Edward:

Slight change of plans. You're my new boyfriend to make Alejandro jealous ~H

He replied 2 minutes later.

Why are we making Alejandro jealous ~Attractive English Man.

Ooh. That's right. Edward doesn't know. I should probably tell him because I need him for the plan to work.

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