Chapter 5: One very stupid deal I made

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Quick question: Alejandro x Heather or Edward x Heather?

Please answer, I need to know!!!

Dedicated to CITPrincess

You know in the movies where the cheating boyfriend gets exposed by a person? The sweet, delicious feeling of suspense the person feels, exposing cheaters as they are?

I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy this. Now the tables are turned. My phone kept on vibrating and it was a no brainier who it was from.

                "I can't wait for tomorrow," I said, cheekily. Tomorrow was Saturday and fortunately for me, we worked on Saturdays. Which meant Linda would see Alejandro, and you know what that meant. It was about to go down.

                    "Let's see what Jace has to say about this," I turned to the girl, who was in tears, right now. Her eyes shot up in alarm and her face became pale.

                      "Please, don't. It was all him. He seduced me when we were eating. I swear I would never hurt Jace on purpose," She begged. Well...she did stop Alejandro to tell him that she was with Jace. But nonetheless, she was still on the chopping block.

                      "I know, but one question. Why didn't you push him off?" I swear, I can be a detective or a cop or something. I hit the nail on her forehead and I was certain the girl was feeling a lot of remorse. 

The girl continued to cry and I put my phone inside my undergarment, because I could see how Alejandro wanted to toss it out the window or flush it in the toilet. 

                     "But I'll do you a solid. I won't tell him, okay? Just be stronger next time," I sympathized. "I know you weren't thinking straight so I swear that I won't tell him,"

                  The girl looked at me like I was some angel from heaven. "Thank you so much. I owe you one," She ran up and hugged me. My hands stood by my side but at some point, I patted her on the back.

                When she got off me, I turned to Alejandro. "You," I pointed at him. I then pointed to the door. "Get out. Now! You make me sick to the stomach," I barked.

Alejandro obeyed but he shot me a death glare and I gave him a big smile. I got tissue for the girl to blow her nose. I, then, spent 15 minutes with her, consoling her and helping her freshen up.

                 "You're my hero, Heather. How do you know Alejandro?" She asked, putting lipstick. I sighed and sat on the bench available.

"It's kind of a long story," I admitted, and honestly, I wasn't in the mood to share it.

        "I understand if you don't want to share it," She said quietly, putting her makeup kit back into her bag.

           "No, it's not that. Okay it is, but I'll just tell you that he played with me too," I told her and she turned to look at me. My eyes darted to the ground and I held the ends of the bench.

I was not going to cry. Not because of him. I'm stronger than that.

               "I'm so sorry," I felt arms around me and I embraced them. I barely knew this girl yet she was really friendly. Heck, I don't even remember her name and she seems to know mine.

               "It's okay. Do you mind reminding me your name again? Edward said the names so fast that the only name I could catch was Jace," I let go of her.

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