Chapter 2: Hyper Heather and the beautiful boy

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Habits by Tove Lo.

Dedicated to Randxmology

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold up. You're telling me that you've kissed the Alejandro Burromuerto, more than once?" Lily said with wide eyes. I told her what happened 3 years ago between Alejandro and I and what happened today.

"Yes. Why are you saying it like that?" I asked, putting more vanilla goodness in my mouth. Lily looked at me like I had gone crazy. "Because he is the world's attractive Spanish man, that's why. It'd be hard for you to get his attention,"

"But unfortunately, I have and he won't leave me alone," My phone began to vibrate beside me. Without looking, I grabbed it and hit the reject button. Alejandro has been calling me for the past 15 minutes and I'm getting irritated.

3 years and now he calls me.

That jerk.

"I know what you need," Lily wiggled her eyebrows, excitedly. I raised mine, unsure of what she's going to say. With Lily, you never know what she's going to do. "I'll take you to the party my boyfriend is having tonight,"

"Trevor? He has a party tonight?" I took another bite of my ice cream. Lily nodded. "I knew you wouldn't want to go but now, you do. You need to relax and take you're mind of Alejandro,"

I bit my lip, thinking. What have you got to lose, Heather, I thought. I sighed in defeat and Lily squealed. "Great! Lets watch a movie since its like 4 right now then we can get ready," Lily turned on the TV and we watched The Hunger Games.


"What to wear. What to wear," Lily mused out loud, looking at her wardrobe. I just sat on her bed, watching her. "I know ! How about this?" Lily pulled out a red tank top with a black mini skirt.

I began to have second thoughts on this party but I wasn't going to back down. "Yeah, sure," I mumbled going to my room. I opened my wardrobe and frowned. If I wasn't going for this party, I would be in sweatpants and my Superman shirt right now, watching The Big Bang Theory.

I pushed all my dresses, scanning which one would suit the occasion when my eye caught the one I wore 3 years ago. It was a black dress with a small part of my back exposed. It reached halfway through my legs.

Alejandro, my inner voice said.

The last time I wore this dress, I was with Alejandro and we made out for so long. I remember how he declared that he loved me so much, how long I was in his arms....

The whole point of you going for this party is for you to forget Alejandro, not remember all the memories you shared with him.

Tonight I was going to burn those memories temporarily, with the help of alcohol, of course. I slipped into that dress and wore my white sneaker wedges with it. I left my hair down and I applied no makeup, whatsoever. I knew I would get wasted so why bother?

Lily and I were out of that apartment by 7:30 and we hollered a taxi. Neither of us have a car yet. Well, Lily does but it's in the mechanic. I didn't pass my driver's test.

"Tonight is going to be crazy," Lily giggled as we got in. The driver rolled his eyes at her behavior. Lily stuck her tongue out and began to sing, just to irritate him even more. "The night is still young. The night is still young. The night is still young and, so are we,"

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