Important Authors Note

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I know that you guys were expecting another chapter, I'm so sorry but I felt that I needed to do this.

I'm here to say that I won't be updating as often because of two reasons:

1) September is coming and that means I have to go back to school (groan). Currently, I'm a candidate (sort of) and I need to study and stop spending a lot of time on Wattpad. I'm opening school in nearly 3 weeks so I have to get my head back to books (physical ones).

2) Like I said, I'm a candidate. I'm currently going to Year 12 (British system) so there may be times when I'm on hiatus from Wattpad. I'm just letting you know in advance.

I felt that would be important for me to say, just in case you wonder why I stop updating as frequently as I used to.

Anyways, don't stop believing :)


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