Chapter 6: A walk down the red carpet (part 1)

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Heather's drop-dead gorgeous dress. This is how she looked in the movie awards. Tell me what you think about it! :)

Dedicated to HansMillenia

The two words registered in my head and all I could think was: What the heck?


Right now?!

Alejandro's face grew into a sly grin as he got out his iPhone and puts a timer of 10 minutes. He set it on his brown desk. As soon as the clock started ticking, he turned to look at me, with a weird look on his face.

He had lust written over him and I won't lie, I probably had it written all over my face, too. His white shirt did a horrible job of covering up his muscles.

Alejandro licked his lips, seductively before, slowly reaching out my waist, and pulling me closer to him. He lowered his eyelashes, making him look dangerously attractive and I was so scared that I might crumble.

He leaned in real close and I began to have a panic attack. Why did I agree to this game? It's because I'm mad. That's it. I've officially lost my mind.

But what surprised me was Alejandro's lips missed me by inches and instead, he headed for my neck. He pushed me up the wall, taunting me by licking, slow, catlike circles on my flesh.

I tried not to whimper- I didn't want to appear vulnerable. 3 years and my body still burns at the touch of his tongue. That skillful tongue will be the end of me.

Alejandro's tongue felt amazing on my skin. His kisses left a trail of fire, making me body feel so alive. 3 years, I had missed this and 3 years I dreamed about this. I couldn't believe this was happening.

Alejandro grunted as he began to unzip my dress and my thoughts vanished because there was a big, red sign hanging on my head written, in capital letters, I might add: "KNEE THE WOMANISER IN THE GROIN!"

Suddenly, my left breast vibrated and I thanked The Lord that it did. I pushed Alejandro off of me, adjusted my dress and I looked at the call we'd ID. It was unknown.

                     "Hello?" I said, wondering who could be my savior at this moment. "Is this Heather? The drama queen from Total Drama?" The person asked.

The person sure has a nerve to call me a drama queen. But I've heard that voice before. That voice- it was Chris! Chris was my savior from Alejandro! Hard to believe!

                       "McLean?!" I gasped in shock. I turned to Alejandro who was just as shocked as I was. "We got the right number this time, Chef," Chris mumbled to the background.

                   He then spoke again. "Heather. Nice to hear from you," Chris said in his usual perky voice. "What do you want McLean?" I asked in my usual sassy voice.

                   "Look, I need you to attend the movie awards tomorrow night. Total Drama has been nominated and we need you to attend since you're one of the stars to the show," Chris explained.

Hold the damn phone.

Movie awards?

                     "Hello? Earth to Heather?" Chris snapped me out of my fantasies. "Of course, I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it," I answered. I was very excited. Turns out that shopping spree with Linda will be helpful.

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