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New Larry fic guys! This is a sneak peak. Please let me know what you think. I won't be updating the story until next Friday to give you all some time to think about this one. And i'm working on my other Larry one *How Will I Survive*.

Please vote and comment, i'd like to know your opinions before I keep going on with this one.  *It contains drugs, graphic deaths and rape. It has many other things as well. This is just a bit on how Louis and Harry met. Later on in the story you will find out more.

Thank you for giving me a chance. And enjoy!



Past Louis

"I'm scared Deakin. London is far, mum is sick, and I don't know if I should-"

"Louis, son. You will be okay. You need this. You need to leave this place. It will just keep haunting you the longer you stay. Just go. Mark gave you everything you need to settle in, and you'l have Niall and Zayn. I have the girls and your mum." Louis bit his lip trying not to cry

"You'l keep me updated. Promise?" Dan nodded his head and hugged Louis tight to his chest


Past Harry

"I'm sorry Gem. But i'm leaving. We can't keep living like this. Robin is wasting away, Mike is nowhere to be found. We need to move on. You can come once you finish Uni." she nodded hugging him tight

"Okay. Okay, yea. You be good in Oxford yea? Mum would be so proud." Harry smiled softly kissing her cheek and then turned to look at the exact reflection of him and nodded leaving their home in Holmes Chapel behind


Present Day

The London sky was fairly dark and cloudy. Most likely to rain like it always did, and Harry didn't feel like driving back to his flat for a coat. So he staid under the little roof provided by the coffee shop he stood outside of and watched the cars pass by. After a short while, he sighed impatiently and angrily walked back inside towards the ginger

"Ed, what's taking so long? When is that friend of yours getting here? I'm cold outside waiting for him." the ginger chuckled leaning over the counter and kissed the curly lads pout

"Babe, he just texted me. He said he'l be here in a minute. Go back outside. I'm almost finished making the pumpkin rolls. Grab my jumper from the rack." Harry sighed rolling his eyes in the process, grabbed the black Calvin Klein jumper by the door and walked back outside sitting on a table under the roof top

He smiled smelling the material of the jumper, vanilla and cinnamon just like Ed. He remembered the night they spent on Christmas last year and they were giggling baking and telling jokes. He loved it, he loved Ed, but lately he's been feeling like Ed was pulling away from him. He would kiss him lightly and shortly now, no more snogging, heated nights after a corny movie, writing songs together. Ed was pulling away, and after a year of dating, it was strange for Harry. He was probably stressed about his new job offer in America. They offered him a record deal, and Harry was so proud, yet upset because they would argue all the time about him moving along with the ginger. Ed wanted to do this alone, but promised to call and Skype. Harry just couldn't let him go that easily.

His train of thoughts were cut short as the chair across from him was pulled out. He looked up and saw a short lad with icy blue eyes, dark feathery hair in a nice fringe, lip ring, black leather jacket, and a cigaret between his lips. Harry cleared his throat and stood up releasing the jumper and stretched a hand towards the strange lad smiling lightly

"You must be Ed's friend yea? I'm Harry." the lad smiled ignoring Harry's hand and sat in the chair looking up at the offended and confused curly boy. He chuckled and blew smoke out of his lips

"Sorry lad, I don't shake strangers hands. And yes I am his mate, the names Louis." Harry raised an eyebrow slowly sitting back down and was about to speak but the doors opened and Ed walked out with the rolls setting them on the small table

"Louis! Mate, it's been too long. How's Zayn and Niall?" he shrugged standing up and gave Ed a hug patting his shoulder

"Fucking on every piece of furniture around the flat. But i'm glad you called me for this, I needed a day off from fuckville." Ed laughed grabbing a chair and sat beside Harry, who instinctively leaned into him but Ed slowly scooted back making Harry confused and pout

"Well, they did just get married. Too young though, too young. Anyway, i'm glad I called ya too. You're the only one I knew that could do this." Louis hummed putting out his cigaret and threw it on the ground crushing it with his dirty vans

"Well, I guess the degree in arts and craft paid off eh?" they both laughed making Harry slightly uncomfortable and he groaned looking at the cars pass by again

"Harry, can you go get the tea please love?" he shrugged standing up and walked inside the coffee shop where Liam was rummaging in the kitchen

"Li! Tea please?" the brown eyed boy stuck his head out the kitchen door and smiled walking to the counter and started serving the teas

"That's the guy? He looks-"

"Like a dick?" Liam raised an eyebrow making Harry laugh

"I would have said uneducated, but your words seem so much more professional." Harry slapped his arm and grabbed the teas winking at Liam

"He's gonna be your new boss Li. So, be prepared for a lot of professionalism." Louis and Ed were laughing as Ed showed him his phone and Harry cleared his throat making them look up

"Ah, tea Lou?" he shook his head standing up and grabbed one of the cups

"I have to go check on mum, i'l take it with me. Nice seeing you again mate. I'l be coming by with the papers on Saturday. Oh, and see you around curly locks." he smiled and walked off into a black SUV and drove off

"That was the strangest meeting with one of your friends ever. I mean the dickhead didn't even shake my hand." Ed sighed standing up and grabbed the tea from the tray Harry still held

"He's hard on trust Harry. Believe me, took me ages to become his best friend. Anyway, lets get back inside, your nose is getting pinkish." he tapped the boys nose and passed by him walking inside. Harry froze in his spot looking at the glass doors, Ed usually opened the door for him and grabbed his hand leading him inside. But this time, he just passed by ignoring him

Somethings up and Harry had a retched feeling that he might lose a battle that he's not even aware of.

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