Chapter 33

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It's been forever since i've updated this fic. But here it is finally! The last chapter, and next update is the Epilogue. But I promise you that there is a huge reveal and surprise in it☺️

عيد ميلاد سعيد!!!!
聖誕節快樂!!! joyeux noël!!! nollaig shona!!! Buon natale!! mutlu noeller!!!! 🎄💚❤️

I'd say it in more languages, but i'd take forever to translate them all lol I tried☺️


Love you all!!!!



It was five till one in the morning, and the wedding was almost over. Harry and Louis were bright and radiant when they arrived down into the ballroom area. The musicians were playing one last song for the night, before Ed closed the wedding. Family and friends overtook the dance floor to have fun all together one last time.
Harry grinned squeezing his fiancé's hand. That made butterflies in his stomach. He can't believe he got engaged in less than an hour ago. After Louis had popped the question, they had spent their time kissing away and tracing their skin, talking about how they would do it. Finally they came to a decision and it had them both buzzing. It was such a big moment, they never wanted to let go of. But they had to make it to say goodbye to everyone

"Harry! Lou! We've been looking for you two for ages!" Louis turned and grinned when their friends walked up to them. Niall and Zayn were smiling dopey eyed, cheeks flushed. Harry thought they must have gotten drunk and probably fucked in the restroom. Liam on the other hand, was happy holding Sophia's hand with a beer in the other

"Sorry. We were busy. Had to take care of a few things." he smiles softly at them, but he's to giddy and one of them was bound to notice his twitchy hand in Louis'

"Hold on a minute. What is that?" Niall pointed to Harry's finger and the green eyed lad grinned

"Don't freak out. But we just got engaged. We're flying out to Vegas after the wedding." the blonde gasped and jumped up releasing Zayn's hand

"Fuck YES! I knew you would end up together!!! Like this and shit! Liam! You owe me! They got engaged before you. Come on big boy." Zayn glares at him as he approaches the brown eyed lad and stretches a hand out

"How much did you bet on us Niall James Malik!" Liam groans slapping a wad of eighty pounds on his hand and Sophia's eyes widen

"You're unbelievable love." she shakes her head as he waves her off and Niall stashes the money in Zayn's breast pocket

"Eighty quid babe. For Vegas later." he winks at him and Zayn scoffs looking back at the couple before them

"He's an idiot, i'm sorry." Louis scoffs, rolling his eyes

"Whatever Malik. You know damn well you love it and you're going to use the money anyway." he smirks turning to kiss Niall, then back at them

"You know me so well." Louis hums and squeezes Harry's hand. They look at each other in such a lovely way, that Liam forgets about the money and smiles

"Well congratulations lads. Very happy for you. Louis, make my best mate Harry here as happy as you can okay." Louis nods squeezing Harry's hands


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