Chapter 19

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HAPPY NEW YEAR MY LOVES!!! 2016! This year will be amazing😁 Gotta be positive and spread some love too🎉💙💚💕😃

Anyway lol, here's the next chapter.

Love you all!!



"Mum." Jay turned from the television upon hearing her baby's voice and opened her arms. Tears began welling up in both their eyes as Louis ran to her, hugging her tight, sobbing into her neck. "I've missed you so dam much mum." Jay sniffled squeezing her son

"I've missed you too baby. Well I was unconscious for a pretty long time, but I did miss you. I love you so much baby. And happy birthday my love. You're twenty-three now." Louis groaned releasing the grip on his mother

"Mum, I hate getting old." Jay crinkles her eyes in laughter looking so much like Louis at the moment. She grabs his hands squeezing them in hers

"You always have. But you seem more mature now, and you look tired and sad boo. Please don't tell me it's because he's back?" Louis stiffened releasing her hand and stood up pacing around the room

"I didn't want you worrying once you woke up, why would Dan tell you? And he told dad mum. My god this is all-"

"Louis William Tomlinson. Calm down and come here. Sit down." his shoulders sagged walking towards the hospital bed where his mother held out her hand and he grabbed it gripping it tightly "Tell me everything." he sighed sniffling

"Tony is back. He helped to get Kyle out and now they're trying to find a way to get me back mum. I'm so scared. I've been staying with a friend who is keeping me safe though, he has guards following me every hour of the day and night. And he got me a driver too. But there's a small problem." Jay raised an eyebrow "He's dating Kyle without even knowing what kind of person he is mum. He keeps asking me why I always tell him to be careful with him and I just- i'm scared for him. I'm afraid Kyle will ruin his life too and I don't-"

"Uh, Louis?" the sniffling boy and his mother both turned to look at the curly intruder holding two cups of tea in his hands. Louis quickly wiped at his eyes, his mother squeezing his hand tightly

"Yes Haz?" Harry cleared his throat smiling towards Jay and walked over handing him a tea

"I made you a cuppa. Just how you like it. Um i'l be going now, just thought you needed that. I'l be-"

"Hi there, my name is Johanna. I'm Louis mum, but you can call me Jay." he hesitated looking at her then at Louis who smiled nodding

"I'm Harry. Louis' friend." she smiled grabbing his extended hand and shook it "Right well, i'l be outside. Let me know when you're done Lou. Nice meeting you Jay." she smiled waving at him as he walked out

"That him?" Louis nodded looking back at his mother with sad eyes "You have to tell him. It will hurt baby to talk about your past but you have to tell him. Warn him. He needs to know." Louis sighed rubbing at his face

"I will mum, but not yet. I'm just scared." she sighed rubbing his leg

"I know hun. But you better let him know if you're going to leave to America with your dad." Louis shook his head standing up once more agitated

"No. I'm not going to America. I'm staying right here. I'm perfectly fine living with Harry." Jay sighed looking at her son with sympathy and grabbed his hand once he got closed to the bed

Past Escaping's *Larry AU*Where stories live. Discover now