Chapter 20

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Hi my loves! Here's the next chapter! Hope you like it 😁

Love you all!



His eyes were grey, usually they turn blue or green, but right now they were gray. The black cap facing backwards on his head, gray long sleeve jumper, some raggedy black joggers, and black nikes as he ran the treadmill. He was so concentrated on the cars passing by outside his mothers flat, that he almost missed the knock on the door. The fourth knock was louder and he turned clicking off the machine, grabbed a towel dabbing his face and walked over to it opening it slowly

"No fucking way. Kyle?!" the blue eyed man nodded extending his hand which the other shook

"Matt Selley. Been a while mate. Hows your mum? Harry said there was an emergency with her." Matt furrowed his eyebrows, why would Harry lie to Kyle he doesn't know, but he knew it was probably for a good reason, so he quickly came up with a lie

"Oh, uh, yea. She stuffed herself too much on christmas, and she had to go to the hospital cause of some pain she was having. Turns out it was her appendix. She's fine now though, thanks for asking bout her." Kyle nodded eyeing him suspiciously

"Yea, yea. Glad she's fine. Means Harry left already then right? He said he was here but I don't see his car." Mat bit his lip cursing Harry for putting him in such position, he hated lying, specially to Kyle. He was a drug dealer. Which he doesn't know he knows, not even Harry

"Uh, he went back to London I guess. He said he needed to leave or something. Sorry bud." Kyle hummed nodding and extended his hand again

"Well then, good to see you again Matt. Have a good one." he walked off and sighed closing the door. Right then, Ella walked down the stairs eyeing him and walked to the window checking who it was, her eyes widening

"Matty. What was Kyle Johnson doing here?" he furrowed his eyebrows looking up at her

"How do you know who he is?" she sighed looking up making sure their oldest brother wouldn't hear, he would have a huge freak out if he did

"That's the drug dealer who got Ben into all that stuff with the drugs and the rape Matt. He told me months ago. Only I know, but now you do too. What was he doing here?" he bit his lip nervously

"Looking for Harry." she shook her head walking to the kitchen to grab the phone and Matt hurriedly snatched it from her "What are you doing?!"

"You need to tell Harry and warn him. That guy is dangerous and I don't want our cousin to go through what our brother went through. Call him." she glared and then walked off. He gulped looking down at the phone and sighed grabbing his cell dialing


"Look mum! We made a pretty braid on Harry's hair!" Jay looked up from the babies and giggled as she saw Daisy and Phoebe playing with the tall lads hair. A nice bun done by Fizzy and the braids by the twins

"Oh my, girls leave him alone." Harry chuckled waving her off

"It's fine Jay, I have a lot of hair and it's nice to get it out of my eyes sometimes. Besides, these wonderful princesses have done a great job. I might keep it for a few days." Jay laughed just as Louis, Dan, and Lottie walked in with food and drinks. Louis eyes landing on Harry and laughed setting down the food on the hospital tray

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