Chapter 2

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Hello guys! Thank you so much for reading the prologue and first chapter, got some messages too so i'm excited. Remember, every update is every Friday for Past Escaping's (this one). And every Monday is update for How Will I Survive.

Please enjoy this chapter, vote and comment all you want with anything, I always answer. Promise.

Love you all!



"No! Niall, I will strangle you! Leave Zayn to concentrate!" Harry jumped startled as he stepped inside the coffee shop and a blur passed by him in a flash. When he regained his eyesight he saw the small lad chasing a blonde one around the tables. Liam saw him from the counter and immediately ran to him

"Harry, oh thank god you're here. Louis brought these two friends of his and they're driving him crazy. He can't even focus on the designs for the shop. It's funny to watch but he needs to finish the plans for the construction company. Help please?" he nodded walking over to where Louis had the blonde one in a headlock and he waved in his face

"Uh, hey Louis." Louis' blue eyes widened as he looked up dropping Niall to the floor and stood up straight reaching a hand to clasp Harry's shoulder

"Curly locks! You made it! This one was about to die, lucky you got here though. Okay, up Niall! Up!" the blonde groaned standing back on his feet and clung to Louis who rolled his eyes and gripped his best mates shoulder

"Sorry Boobear." Louis slapped his forehead lightly and stepped away towards Harry

"That was uncalled for leprechaun. Don't call me that again. Now. Curly locks, meet the horny newlywed bastard that is my best friend Niall Horan or Niall Malik? Who cares. Anyway, and Ni, this is Harry." Harry chuckled stretching a hand towards Niall who happily shook it

"Hello Harry, nice to meet you. Sorry bout the lad scrabble, he's a bit tempered when he hasn't gotten any in years." they both couldn't help the loud laugh and Louis angrily rolled his eyes huffing and grabbed a cig

"You bloody idiots! Come on!" he walked off to where his friend Zayn was sitting on the counter sketching up the prints for the new café

"I think we're going to be very good friends Niall. But just out of curiosity, I hope you don't mind me asking, how can Louis even purchase a café? I mean he looks-"

"Punkish, smoker, etc?" Harry blushed nodding at him as they walked behind Louis from a distance

"Yea, he just seems....non professional." Niall scoffed nodding

"I know. He's incapable of being professional. Unless it comes to money and the well being of others. He's a rich bastard, but hates to show off that he is. Louis' last name is Tomlinson." Harry's eyes widened looking over at the lad that puffed out smoke in his friends face as they spoke

"What? No fucking way. My dad told me about him once I think. He's the hotel guy right? Owns like half the hotels in London?" Niall nodded grinning like crazy

"Yea. After his dad left to America to expand his own line of hotels, he left Louis with the London line. He's so humble though, not stuck up and a show off like his dad." Harry hummed thinking about his dad and scoffed

"Bet him and my dad would get along. My dad owns the Raves Casino. And he's a real-estate agent, so cashing in is what he does all the time." Niall laughed bumping his shoulder as they got to the counter

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