Chapter 28

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Sorry I took so long my loves! Bit busy lol But I have this chap. Then a bit more, and then done 😁


Love you all!



Harry was plopped beside Louis on the king sized bed in Harry's room. Well, now Louis' room. Soon enough.

They were currently watching crap tv as they laid against the headboard, eating some kettle corn. Louis had one hand on his stomach close to his gun shot wound, and the other inside the orange bowl, his head against Harry's chest

"So, this is progress then? Dr. Gail said it's much more than what I was willing to do before." Louis hums and looks up at Harry. The curly lad had just talked his heart out about his mother and past relationships which caught Louis' attention way more than the weird tv show that was taking up Harry's huge screen

"Yes, it is. Just like I progressed to finally being touched. Well, I mean, barely. But I still have to work on it." he bites his lip lowering his head to look at Harry's chest. Harry looks at him intently and reaches his index finger to lift his chin up and look at him

"Hey, that takes time and I told you that I don't mind it at all. We're in this together right? You promised to try, just as I did too." Louis sighs and nods as he reaches a hand to grab the one gripping his chin and for a mili second he hesitates, but then sighs and plants a small kiss to Harry's palm which makes the curly lad smile

"Yes. Together. Boyfriends." Harry hums and bends down to kiss his forehead

"Boyfriends." Louis suddenly hisses as he moves upward for another kiss, he looks down at his wound and sighs

"It's been a week and it still hurts. Dammit. Fucking Kyle." Harry rolls his eyes and stands up to walk towards the restroom, then comes walking back with a bandaid and a small damp towel with a bottle of Tequila as well

"Haz, I don't feel like drinking right now." he shushes him and sets the stuff on the bed, then pulls Louis by his legs towards him

"I'm gonna clean your wound you dolt. I don't have the regular alcohol. Now stay still and trust me." he gives him pleading eyes and Louis reluctantly nods with a small smile on his lips. He holds his breath as he watches Harry dab the cloth with the alcohol and then inches it close to his wound

"Lift your shirt up higher babe. This is gonna sting a bit." Louis does as told and lifts his shirt revealing the protruding wound that almost makes him gag and turn around. Harry lightly chuckles and inches the cloth dabbing at it, the blue eyed lad hisses and bites his lip

"Haz, it hurts. Please, stop." the curly head hums and grabs the bandaid placing it over the wound softly, then bends down to kiss it making Louis turn around to look up at him with little tears prickling at his eyes

"Don't cry love, i'm here and i'm never going to hurt you okay?" he nods aggressively with little sobs starting to escape and Harry's heart clenches so he surges forward to hug him. "Lou. Baby don't cry please. I'm here." he sniffles into Harry's chest and hiccups

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