Chapter 24

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So this part is a lil sad. I'm so sorry if it hurts or makes you ball your eyes out. WARNING! Warning of past rape and drugs.

Other than that, I hope you're enjoying this fic, and thank you for reading!

Love you all!



Anger. Sadness. Stupid. Scared. All those feelings were going through Harry's mind right now. The one standing out the most though, was anger. Anger towards Kyle Johnson. The absolute asshole who dared to touch his precious Louis in such an inappropriate un-wanting way.

Louis had just revealed to him that the bastard had raped him. How couldn't he be angry. Just imagining poor Louis there, defenseless and fragile. He hasn't even heard the full story but he intends to. So after a moment of silence, he squeezed his leg

"Louis. How?" the small blue eyed boy wiped the excess water from his eyes and sniffled looking at Harry. His hands gripping his thighs so hard to prevent him from doing anything stupid. He had taken to sit on the ground and look up at him. He knew exactly what he meant.

"I- two years ago, I um-" Harry stretched out a hand then to grip his, which he took thankfully and squeezed it like a lifeline as he held it in to say this all over again. He never thought he would be here again

"My father had left to America already, Dan had just married me mum. Dad offered me money to pay for college, but I wanted my own job. I met Zayn at Uni and he told me he worked for Joes Construction. At the time, I didn't know the Sans were a cartel family, the biggest one in England at that. Henry, the owner, he gave me an internship. Uh, that's how I met Kyle, he's Alex Sans nephew. Alex Sans is Tony's father. They both worked for Henry, thats how I got involved in it. He acted so sweet towards me, bought me flowers, took me out to these amazing dates, it was going good, I even moved in with him. But-but then he-"

"Lou, you don't have to keep going if you don't want to." the lad sniffled and squeezed Harry's hand tighter shaking his head

"I-I need to tell you Harry. I've already started." Harry sighed and gripped his hand tighter then nodded for him to continue

"After five months together, he started looking agitated, jumpy, angry. I tried to ask but he would- he would get angry at me and hit me. Then I saw him with the drugs once, I tried to get away and break up with him but he threatened to kill me Harry. And a couple weeks later he said he was taking me out on a special date, I obviously couldn't say no. So he took me to the Wild Spider club that night and then these men-all their hands-" he sobbed into his hands and Harry quickly stood up to sit behind him placing him between his legs, hugging him to his chest, his hands hugging Louis middle and kissing his temple softly. He tried pushing him away, squirming, but Harry held him in place

"Relax Lou, i'm right here. I'm right here love." he sniffled biting his lip and stopped fighting it, he brought his hands down to splay over Harry's on his middle

"Th-they would touch me Harry. I would scream and thrash but they wouldn't listen. Tony had my shirt taken off and they would use these knives a-and carve worthless and fag on m-my stomach. I-I was worth nothing to them." he hiccuped into the crook of Harry's neck, Harry wanting him to stop talking because it hurt so much to hear him say this


"A-and then after, th-they would take pictures of m-me and sell them t-to the people a-at the club. The-then Kyle would take me to the flat and ra-rape me. It was hell Harry. It went on for months." Harry squeezed him tighter, tears flowing down his cheeks as well now

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