Chapter 12

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Hi my loves! Happy Friday! I'm going to see The Hunger Games: MockingJay part 2 tonight! 😂😭😁

Anyway, this chapter is also dedicated to WilsonTheUnicorn because why not. Love ya babes. Anyway, ya'll enjoy it😁

Love you all!!



So many options, but Louis couldn't concentrate on anything with Harry laughing behind him like a dam donkey...

"So you waited for me all night on the couch? That's kind of cute." the short lad huffed throwing in a couple colored lights into their cart and glared up at the curly guy

"I was worried sick you idiot. Now shut up and help me find fucking christmas shit." Harry couldn't help but giggle behind Louis' back as he watched him go through every christmas ornament, lighting essentials, and any other christmas themed object

"I came back home around midnight and you were slobbering away in your sleep on the couch. I woke you up and you mumbled 'good, you home safe. Take me to bed.' and then you crawled over me and were knocked out again. You must have staid up quite a while for just lil ol' me." he chuckled watching Louis fingers go white at the death grip he had on the box of ornaments in his hands

"Shut. Up. Harold. I was worried. I told you. Now help me here! I want a colorful tree." the curly lad's giggles died down as he walked beside him pushing the cart and then gasped pointing at the top shelf

"Look! Oh I want those!" Louis' eyes widened as he watched Harry goggle over the naked men covering their dicks with colorful socks as ornaments. He snorted and then started doubling over in laughter

"Oh my god. I can't breath. You're so gay." the green eyed boy glared tossing four boxes of the ornaments into the cart and kept pushing it leaving Louis behind "Oi! Wait up curly locks!"

"You were laughing at me. I don't appreciate that." Louis snorted grabbing some marshmallows and hot chocolate throwing them in as well

"You're the one who wants naked ass men with nothing but a sock on their dicks as ornaments. And you laughed at me too. I think I have the right to laugh." Harry huffed pushing the cart towards the checkout

"Whatever. You gonna pay for this or what?" he raised an eyebrow at the blue eyed boy who just laughed and pulled out his debit card paying for the items. Harry grabbed the bags and started walking towards his car, Louis right behind climbing right into the passengers seat

"I'm sorry for laughing Haz." he pinched the curly lads cheek and laughed harder as they made their way to the flat

"Oh shut up. Get off." he huffed grabbing the bags and walked into the large flat placing everything on the couches, then face planted himself in the large one breathing in the smell of detergent

"Cheer up butter cup. Come on. Let's get in our best holiday cheer outfits and start decorating. We have to bring the tree inside from outback." Louis cheerily ran up to the guest room and changed into bright red sweatpants and a grinch jumper. Harry groaned as his phone rang while he was still on the couch

"Hey Ky." the red head smiled motioning for the guys around the garage to settle down. They were all making noises with how high they were

"Bunny. What are you up to?" he sighed pushing himself up and walked into the laundry room grabbing red boxers and a white jumper

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