Chapter 1

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Okay, so I had a couple messages telling me to update at least the 1st chapter. So i'l do that, but no more updates until Friday cause I still have to work on my other one and then this one.

I promise i'm trying really hard to make this one real good. Enjoy the first chapter loves.

Love you!



Harry groaned pressing the button of the alarm clock to his left and he turned over to face the sealing. He sighed, rubbed the gunk out of his eyes, and then walked slowly to his closet grabbing a pair of white skinny jeans, a colorful button up, and his brown boots.

Once dressed up, he brushed his teeth, washed his face, and then styled his hair. He looked into the mirror and grinned biting his lower lip

"Today is a good day mister Styles. Lets have at it." he turned off the lights and grabbed his phone, wallet, and keys stepping out of his small apartment towards his black ranger. His thumbs were taping on the wheel as he hummed to the tune of 'Rock And Roll All Night' by Kiss, his favorite. Then he pulled up to 'Teddy's Café' and walked inside through the wooden door ringing the little bell in the process

"Hi Harry!" It was packed today, Ed must be working the morning specials really good. He waved at the waitresses and waiters who greeted him, then walked passed the counter opening the little employee door and walked into the kitchen seeing Liam and Ed covered in flower baking the Thanksgiving specials

"Babe?" Ed turned and smiled elbowing Liam who nodded and he wiped his hands on his apron walking towards Harry kissing his cold cheek lightly

"Hey Haz, fancy tasting the pumpkin rolls i'm trying out? It's my last recipe i'l be leaving to Liam." Harry nodded following him towards the cooking table and Ed reached out grabbing a toasty warm roll putting it through Harry's plump lips. Harry hummed and rolled his eyes back making Liam laugh away

"These are amazing. My god, I hope Liam can make them as good as you." Ed laughed leaning in to peck his lips and walked back to the table to finish up the last batch

"We all know he's learning from the best. He needs to keep all the recipes in good shape and the coffee good now that he'l be the main chef." Liam patted his shoulder in agreement and winked at Harry

"I'l make sure to live up to your expectations Sheeran." Harry amusedly sat on a stool and watched his ginger boyfriend work on his cooking skills with Liam. He couldn't believe he would be leaving in a couple of weeks

"So love, why are you all dressed up today?" he perked up grabbing his phone and walked over to him and Liam

"I'm getting my flat today. Look." the two boys' eyes widened looking at the fancy two story flat and Ed smiled up at him

"That's amazing Harry. I'm very proud of you love." Harry blushed looking at him with so much fondness and reached for his arm

"Thanks. I was wondering if you would come look at it with me? My dad will be there." Ed frowned stepping away from the table once again and wiped his hands reaching one to tuck a curl behind Harry's ear

"I'd love to Harry, but i'm busy. Louis is coming with the papers today to sign off the contract. And I need to explain everything to him. And as for your dad, tell him I say hi." Harry frowned looking over at Liam who had his shoulders sagged

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