Chapter 3: A New Style

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Quick note: the Foxy model on the left is my favorite. I love his waistcoat. As a matter of fact, Foxy is going to let me keep it. Yay! Here we go!

Foxy's POV

After we found me love, Bonnie took her into the new parts and storage room.

"She needs a new outfit. Aaron, have you got anything for her to wear?" He asked.

"No. We got rid of her clothes a year ago," he declined.

"I have something in me wardrobe for her," I remembered. I ran to me new cove and pulled out me long red waistcoat
(like the one on the left)
and a pair of grey leggings, boots, and a black tank top.

"Me waistcoat and other clothes might fit her," I returned to the room. Toy Chica came forward and volunteered to dress her.

"Be careful with her tail and arm. I haven't patched them up yet," Bonnie warned. She nodded and pushed us out.

"So, Aaron, what be yer life like when ye were younger?" I broke the silence.

"Well, Dez and I used to always talk about what it would be like to be an animatronic like you guys. I chose to be a cheetah, and she likes wolves and foxes. But when she came to work here, I felt like she may get her wish. I honestly hope she lives," he recalled. The door opened, and Toy Chica came out.

"She woke up," is all the lass says. We strolled in and Destiny is sitting up cradling her arm. Me waistcoat looks beautiful on her.

"Ye look gorgeous, lassie," I compliment. She laughs and picks the dried blood from her broken tail. Then she slid off the table and slunk towards me.

"Thank ye, Captain. I couldn't look this great without ye," she sighed. The lass pulled her brother into a one-handed hug, and I joined in.

"Aaron, I want to go back home," she broke the silence.

"Are you sure?" He asked. She nodded.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow night," he waved.

Destiny's POV

Before we left, Bonnie wrapped up my tail and put my arm in a sling. Then I limped home with my little brother.

"Mom, Dad, I have someone here," he called. My parents turned around and gasped at me.

"Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. It's been forever," I greeted. They slowly came over to me and ran their hands through my matted hair.

"How? We thought you were dead," Dad was unbelieving.

"Boys, come downstairs!" Mom hollered.

"What's wrong?" Scott called. They stopped in their tracks and stared at me.

"Hi, bros. Didja miss me?"
"YOU'RE ALIVE!" Jesse threw his arms around me, and crushed me in a hug.

"Yes, yes, I'm alive. Relax," I hugged him back. Scott and Camron aided me to the couch and sat me down.

"How did you survive the fire?" Camron asked.

"Well, I found a cellar in the kitchen, and tried to go into it. But the blast threw me down and broke my arm and tail. Also, I am stuck in my half-wolf form. I can't turn human, and I can only turn into a wolf," I spoke up. I could still feel the force of the blast on my skin.

"Don't worry, honey. We'll help you recover," Mom reassured me. I felt tired and yawned.

"Let's get you to bed, little sister," Scott picked me up and took me to bed. I fell asleep, comfortable in his arms.

A Brand-New Life: Sequel to Not A MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now