Chapter 9: Tormented on the Inside

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Vincent's POV

This girl has me trapped in the dark part of her heart, alone. Or so I thought, for a wolf approached me from the midnight recesses.

"I am Nigtorra," her voice thundered. It was smooth, yet fierce, and as she spoke, I felt like the entire atmosphere would break under the ferocity of her words. She circled me, her bright green eyes examining me.

"You are a stranger. I do not tolerate those who kill, unless it is for the safety of others. You are a man of many problems; problems that I can help you dispose of properly," she muttered.

"You don't know me. I doubt you ever will," I snapped. Her silky voice uttered a laugh.

"What I just did, I gained information about you. I looked deep into your soul, read your history, studied your past. I know what you've done, and I am disappointed. You have so much potential to do great things, Vincent,  but you throw it away like a joke," when she said my name, she sounded disgusted. The way she spoke it sent chills own my spine, a feeling I have never known before.

"You seem... frightened. Do not be afraid, Vincent. Mistress Shadow and I are here to help you, not harm you. But, you must help me, so that I may help you," her lilting voice reached through my chest. I shook it away.

"I don't need your help. I'm perfectly content with who I am," I snarled, pulling out my favorite staff. It was made of redwood bark, and the gloss made it stronger. It was short, but still useful. I used my abilities to take control of Nigtorra.

"Only one can rule here," I cackled.

Mangle's POV

Destiny, I mean Shadow, leant over, holding her waist. Her breath escaped her throat in a small cry.

"Shadow, is everything alright?" I asked. She groaned, then her body stilled. She raised her head, and her eyes were a vibrant white.

"I will never leave. No one can get rid of me! NOT EVEN DESTINY!" Vincent's voice cackled. He took her over, he's controlling her! 'Shadow' stood, and a staff formed from her twilight. We stepped back, but Foxy and Bonnie stood their ground.

"Release her, Vincent! You have no right to invade her mind and take control," Bonnie commanded.

"You silly FOOLS! She has me confined in the darkest, most ruthless part of her heart. This is were I am strongest, and nothing can stop me! NOT EVEN PETTY IMBECILES LIKE YOU!" He laughed, then dashed for Foxy. Bonnie side-stepped in front of him, and caught 'Shadow' on her nose.

"Watch out, you're only going to hurt her," Vincent smiled as blood trickled down our friend's face. I got an idea, and pulled Foxy back.

"Try fighting him without actually touching him. It will wear him out, and then you can knock him back, and release his hold," I whispered. The plan failed miserably. Bonnie's leg was severely broken, and Foxy lay on the ground as Vincent towered over him. Suddenly, a black mist formed in the middle of Shadow's chest, then a black wolf manifested, jumping in front of Foxy.

"Nigtorra?" Freddy stammered.

"Yes, it is I. Master Foxy, are you alright?" She nodded. He grinned.

"Mistress Shadow is ok, but the man has trapped her in her own subconscious. She sent me to aide you," the wolf told us. Vincent snickered.

"Touching. This really is. But I'm afraid I have to cut this short. Literally," he guffawed, raising the staff. Nigtorra turned and a blast of light flashed from her eyes. It tossed Vincent back, and he screamed, shouting obscenities. The light faded, and Shadow rested against the wall, the staff out of her hand.

"Mistress Shadow is freed, but I assure you, he will return," she warned, then retreated to Shadow.

"Augh, why do I keep getting hurt and all messed up?" Shadow groaned. Not a clue.

Destiny's POV

I forgot I had to deal with Vincent being a part of me, and now he's found a way to mess with me while I have him trapped. I speed-walked to the bathroom to take care of my face. Bonnie continuously apologized for punching me, but I waved it off.

"You did what you had to do to avoid being sliced," I reassured him.

"I still feel like a total jerk," he replied, with a tinge of guilt in his voice.

"Don't be. It's completely understandable. I've been hurt way worse during my time in martial arts. This is nothing," I pinched my nose to stop the bleeding. I knew the throbbing would come later, but it wouldn't hurt as much as it would for others. Suddenly, I remembered Mike. A low sound was heard, and I didn't know where it was coming from until Freddy asked, " Are you growling at Bonnie?"

"No. I'm just remembering Mike, and how all of this happened because of him. What became of him, anyways?" I declined.

"The lad was sent to prison for committing 'first-degree murder.' He was released a month later. Methinks he's roaming around. He hasn't changed much, but he rarely comes anymore," Foxy informed me. At this information, I started rushing for the door.

"Where are you going?" Marionette questioned. I turned, and I could tell my expression meant business.

"I'm going to find that worthless freak and make him pay for the things he did to me, to us," I hissed before slipping out the door and transforming into my wolf form. I raised my muzzle and sniffed the crisp midnight breeze, catching the scent of my target. It led me to a run-down apartment, and I transformed to my half-wolf form, walking inside. I crept up the stairs and slunk into the room. There, before me, was Mike, watching the television screen. It was a news update stating how my best friend claims she saw me.

"HA! That kid can't be alive! She died," he laughed.

"Did I, Mike? Did I REALLY?" I demanded. He turned around and practically leaped through the ceiling.

"I-It's not possible! You died in the fire I set," he stammered. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and thrust him against the wall.

"You nearly killed me, but I managed to live. Tell me, Mikey, what were your intentions that night? Why were you burning the pizzeria?" I yelled in his face. He kicked me back into the couch, but I back flipped over it and landed perfectly.

"You can't possibly believe that you can hurt a mutant. It's just not that easy," I shook my head, charging him. I threw a fist and caught his cheek, dislocating his jaw. He stumbled back and fell, staring at me with fear. I knelt down over him, and prepared to hit him again, when my arm was grabbed.

"Shadow, STOP!" I turned and punched the person clutching my arm, and realized I had just hit Goldie.

"Sorry, Goldie," I relaxed. I turned and hit Mike once more, my knuckles colliding with his eye. My fist was bloodied and throbbing, but no pain accumulated.

"What should we do with him?" I gestured to the guy I had just attacked.

"Bring him back to the pizzeria. I have an idea," Bonnie turned on his crutches and we walked out. Mike was struggling to get out of my hands, but rage boiled over and I kept him restricted. I know what Bonnie's planning, and I like it.

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