Chapter 19: You Can't? Yes, You Can!

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Vincent's POV

Things have been great since I got another chance. I've been overhearing Goldie talking with Bonnie and Freddy about Shadow aspiring to train me in this ninjutsu stuff lately, but honestly, I decided not to pay attention to it. I went out walking to get some fresh air, and I actually haven't returned to the pizzeria yet. Thus, I made my way home. When I arrived, I noticed all the lights were off.

"Hello? Shadow? Foxy?" I called, cautiously creeping into the party room. I felt something brush against my arm, and I whipped around, trying to focus in the darkness.

"Guys, this isn't funny! Cut it out and show yourselves!" I demanded. I was getting thoroughly scared. Suddenly, one of the stage lights flashed on, revealing a hooded figure in a long, draping red cloak. The figure looked up, and I could see Shadow's eyes glowing an unsettling bright green.

"Do not be afraid, Vincent. I have been planning this event for the past few days," her voice booms, reminding me of Nigtorra's voice.

"P-planning?" I'm beginning to shake. She smiles reassuringly, and levitates in front of me, holding out a gracious hand. I hesitantly take it, and she drops to the ground.

"Come forth, my students," she beckons, and Goldie, Foxy, Bonnie, Bonbon, Freddy, Toy Freddy, BB, Marionette, and Chica form a wide circle around us.

"I welcome you to our ceremony. Tonight, we gather to commission Vincent to our numbers. Those of you who accept his coming, come and place your hands on him. Those who do not, stay behind," she shouts around the room. To my surprise, all of them come up, placing both of their hands either on my shoulders, my chest, my hands, or my arms.

"Provide him with your strength. Chant this mantra with me," she instructs. They call out in Nigtorra's language.

"Marsho farle ghintua mierdu forzhi morkyio!" As they scream these unknown words, I feel a tingling in my heart. I begin to levitate, and my form changes. My purple hair grows longer and straighter, purple ears like Shadow's appear on my head along with a purple tail with two black stripes, my purple security shirt and black jeans become a dark violet and black ninja gi and my eyes go from their green color to a vibrant magenta. I fall to the floor, examining my new look.

"Welcome to our hearts, Vincent. Get used to your new form, because that is how you will look from now on. Now, come and choose your weapon," she guided me to a dark wall of blades, staffs, and other unfamiliar things. I move forward and a strange sword glowed magenta and fixated itself in my hand.

"Never before have I seen any warrior with this weapon! You have received a kabutowari, a very feared sword that no warrior has ever been worthy enough to possess. Now, I recommend you see Foxy or Bonnie for training on a sword," she applauded. I bowed and went to where Foxy and Bonnie were standing rigid with their swords.

"Teach me, great masters," I bowed, presenting my weapon to them. They bowed back and readied their swords.

"The first thing one needs to remember when handling a sword is to always wrap your hands with a waterproof gauze to keep the sword from slipping out of your hands and stabbing someone. Foxy will provide you with the gauze," Bonnie told me as Foxy handed me a white wrap and showed me how to put it on.

"Now, pay close attention and we will show ye how to do it safely," Foxy brought up his katana. He and Bonnie sparred for a few minutes, then advised me to practice with a punching bag. I tripped over my tail and fell, dropping my sword.

"I...I can't do this!" I screamed, putting my head in my hands. I felt a hand on my shoulder and look up, seeing Shadow.

"What is this? You can't? Yes, you can! You have so much potential, Vincent! If you didn't, Nigtorra wouldn't have helped you. Rise, Vincent, and try again. Your animal form will take some getting used to, but I will help you with that," she ordered. I stood, collected my weapon, and tried again, sparring with Shadow. I tapped into skills I never knew I had, and soon we were at a chance, where both swords were clashed together and the stronger fighter won the stare-down. I won, and ended up holding Shadow down, my sword barely pressed up to her neck.

"Well done, Vincent. You are now a part of our team, but this doesn't make you a full ninja master. Meditation comes next, to strengthen your chi. Gather close, my students," she applauded. All of us gathered in a circle with she and I in the middle.

"Find one thing that you can think of that makes you happy and focus on it. Do not falter in your concentration," she muttered lightly. I thought of Eden, about how she made my world much brighter. I can't wait for her to see me now.

Hope you guys like the new VINCENT! I know I did! His sword is up top, and it is my favorite one!!! Well, that's it for this chapter! I still need to know if you guys want a lemon or not. PEACE OUT, MAH WOLVES! STAY FIERCE!

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