Chapter 1

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                                                                     Chapter 1

All through the hall you could hear our laughter. My four closest friends surrounded me as I opened my locker and looked for my chemistry paper that was due today.

“And did you hear about Mr. Sillias falling face first into cow crap last week? He couldn’t get the smell to wash out of his skin.” Chase grins widely as we all combust into laughter.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the nerd herd.” Cameron comes strutting up to us. All of our smiles have vanished.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the walking STD. I hope you all have your life size quarantine bag ‘cause this one’s contagious.”  I look around at my friends as they laugh nervously at my comeback.

Cameron sneers, “At least I can get some. You all are such loser virgins.”

“Shows how much you know.” says my best friend Jocelyn.

“Yeah. Who we fuck doesn’t have to be announced to the school like you feel the need to do.” states Andrew. Slowly Cameron’s group forms around her and they all stand in identical postures, arms crossed and scowls on their faces. Before she can answer with something not worth my time I say, “You know, your faces are going to get stuck like that one of these days and then we’ll see who wins the beauty contest.”

Her jaw drops and she stomps away, pushing me into Velvet. I straighten myself up and flip her off behind her back. Jocelyn and Velvet erupt into giggles and the guys just smile.

“I hate her.” says Jocelyn.

“Who doesn’t?” asks Velvet.

“Like everyone. She’s queen bee in this school. People are too afraid not to like her.” says Andrew, always the practical one. Someone slams my locker shut and I have just enough time before they do it to pull my fingers out of the way.

“What’s up…nerds?” Ugh. Troy.

“What do you want? We already heard from your ugly hoe, what more is there to talk about?”

“Did she tell you how ugly you are Fate? Or how you all are going to die young if your fat heads get any bigger?”

“Why would she need to tell us when you do every day? And excuse me for having knowledge. I’ve seen your test scores, and sweetie, you would be grateful for my help.”

“Never in a million years. That’s what I have people for.”

“People huh? Then why are you still failing. You need a robot to help you out of this one. And when we all graduate next year I'll make sure to put in a good word for you at Mc Donalds.”

“Oooooh!” Chase and Andrew high five each other.

“You know what bitch? Why don’t you just shut your ugly face? Go back to the planet you came from, dig a hole, and die in it. The world would be much better off.”

“You’d love that wouldn’t you? But you see, the planet I came from is earth and here on earth I have lots of things to do to fill my busy schedule so dying isn’t really an option for me, as much as you wish it was. You on the other hand come from some weird country where idiots are born and some how you magically made it across the border. Congratulations, you are now in the state of Maine. Go fuck your whore and get away from me. You are clouding my nose with your stupidity stench.” I plug my nose and shoo him away with my hand. His face is pinched up instead of being in its Godly state like usual and he shoves me into the lockers before storming away.

“Wow Fate. Both of them and its not even first period. Way to go.” says Velvet.

“It’s a gift. Now how about we get out of here. I'm sick of being pushed.”

“Of course.”

We begin to walk off and Chase pulls me back so we are farther than the others.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t know. I just wanted to make sure. Sorry I didn’t do anything when he shoved you.”

“Honestly I'm used to it. The past three years and I hardly feel it any more. Just one and a half years until I don’t have to see him anymore.”

Chase looked like he was going to say something more but Jocelyn called, “Hey, are you two coming or not?”

We hurried up to her side and proceeded down the hall to our classes.

this is my first story on wattpad. i hope you like it :)

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