Chapter 7

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I put my hands between us and shove him off.

“What are you doing?”

“Nothing. Don’t worry ‘bout it. Forgot who this was.” Ouch. I still kept my scowl glued to my face.

“Don’t forget anymore. I don’t want to have to file a restraining order any time soon.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it princess.”

I open the door and nearly run to the laundry room. The dryer is still running but I yank open the door anyway and get out my bra and underwear. Since they are the smallest article of clothing in there they are the first to dry. I slip on my bra under the shirt and then stand behind the door as I pull off the sweats and yank on my underwear. The shirt is so baggy nobody would have seen anything anyway.

Feeling much more covered up and safe with the pants back on, I go into their living room and flop down on the couch. Ugh I wish I had Jocelyn here with me. Or any of my friends so I wouldn’t be alone in this house. Chase is not good company to have around.

“Dinner is ready.” I am startled to hear my mothers’ voice behind me but I nod and go to the dinning room anyway.

The meal smells delicious. There is a jumbo bowl of chili in front of every seat and a platter of biscuits in the center on the table. A bowel of shredded cheese and a plate of crackers are also on the table. I sit down and fold my hands in my lap while waiting for everyone else. The table is rectangle and it can seat six right now but I have seen it at its maximum where it seats 20. There are many middle parts missing right now. And before you ask, no the table was not inside, they are not the king and queen. The table was outside in the backyard 2 years ago for Troy’s parents’ 20th anniversary party.

The adults are all seated and the chair next to me scrapes as it is pulled out. Troy has arrived.

My mother and Lisa chatter about people they’ve recently seen on TV and our dads get into a deep discussion on football teams. I stay quiet and eat my chili.

As I reach for a biscuit so does Troy and our hands touch. I ignore the tingly sensation and pass it off as burning myself on the hot bread.

Lisa suddenly turns to me and says, “I'm sorry I'm going to have to miss your birthday this year. Jim and I are going on a haunted cruise two days before Halloween and won't be back for 2 weeks.”

“Oh its okay. My friends are taking me out somewhere that night but I'm told it’s a surprise so… but have fun on your trip. Where is Troy going to stay?” I slip a sidelong glance at him. He looks interested in out conversation and opens his mouth to speak, “I'm staying right here where I belong.”

“Yes and Martha is going to check in on you every day.”

“I know. I’ll be fine. Besides you leave in 6 days, we can talk about this some other time. So, Fate, your birthday is in 8 days? On Halloween?”

“Mhm” My mouth is full and even though I do this all the time, it’s not polite to talk with food in your mouth.

“So you’re a devil baby?” I swallow my food and look directly at him.

“Troy! That’s so rude!” His mother freaks.

“I guess I am. Better watch what you say or I’ll have my brother Satin cook you alive. Although it might be more fun to do it myself.”

“Fate!” Now my mother is all flustered. The both of them are too proper. My dad just cracks up and Troy’s grins wildly and winks at me.

“May I be excused?” I ask.

“I think that’s a good idea.” Says my mom. I take the remainder of my biscuit and leave the table.

There is nothing I really want to do so I wander up to Chase’s room and look around. He has hockey trophies from way back when he was a little kid up until now on shelves all around his room. The space is huge, probably 3 times the size of mine, so I don’t understand why he doesn’t have a bathroom built in.

His bed is a mess and there are clothes on the floor. I see a magazine peaking out from between his mattress and bedspring. Curiosity getting the best of me, I wrench it out and look at the cover. Playboy, how typical. It’s sticky though and I lift up the mattress and throw it back in.

“Ewe, ewe, ewe, I can't believe I touched that!” I run down the hall to the bathroom and wash my hands.

Mumbling to myself I go back in and look around again.

“Doesn’t he have girls to do that for him? Why does he need to do it himself?”

“Because sometimes there isn’t a girl I want.” I jump at his voice and whip around.

“How much did you see?” I ask.

He raises an eyebrow, “all of it. I'd ask why you were snooping but I don’t really want to know.”

“I wasn’t snooping. That’s the only thing I touched, and believe me when I say I wish I hadn’t.”

“Well, now I see why you can't make it to my party. Why couldn’t you just tell me it was your birthday?”

“Because I didn’t want to.”

“So you’re turning 17?”


“Cool. Happy early birthday.”

“Thanks.” I glance around the room one last time and then squeeze past him. I faintly hear the buzzer go off downstairs and I skip down the steps to the laundry room. I tug my clothes out and shuffle to the bathroom to change.

Ah, much better.

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