Chapter 4

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Troy’s POV

You can smell the sweat coming of my team mates. I take off my gear and throw on a shirt and some basketball shorts. Oh the irony! I know. I shove my stuff into the locker and securely place the lock on it. Just as I am about to leave I hear a familiar name float through the room. Fate. I stop and listen to what is being said.

“So should I ask her to go to homecoming with me?” Nick asks Stewart.

“Isn’t she dating that one guy who always hangs around her?”

“Chance? No I asked him and he said no.”

“Then go for it. She’s hot.”

“That’s what I thought.”

I feel a hand clamp down on my shoulder.

“Thanks for waiting for me.” Austin, my best friend, pushes me out the door in front of him. I remember how to walk again and go to my truck.

“I wasn’t waiting for you by the way.” I tell him. He is parked next to me.

“I know. You were ease dropping.”

“What makes you say that?”

“You made it extremely obvious. Why’d you stop anyway? What importance does she have to you?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Fate. You stopped walking when he said her name. I saw you.”

“She’s nothing. I just wanted to hear if he was going to say something interesting about her that I could use.”

“Interesting like?”

“If she was worth my time.”

“Your time?”

“In the bedroom.”

“Are you saying you would have trouble getting her?”

“Of course not! Have you seen me? I'm hot and I'm a player. I can get anyone I want.”

“Then why would you even ask if she was worth your time?”

“If she was good enough for me to want to fuck. I don’t just do everyone because I can. They at least have to be good.”

“What has this world come to?”

“You’re just a saint. You wouldn’t understand.”

“Oh I understand alright. You’re in love with her.”

“AM NOT!” How can he say such a thing? She’s gross.

“Are too! You’re just too afraid to admit it.”

“I don’t even like her. She’s a freak and she belongs to a nerd group! I could never like something like that.”

“I dare you.”

“Dare me to do what?”

“Get her to fall in love with you.”

“No problem.”

“And she has to say it.”

“She’ll be saying it by next week.”

“And you can't tell her about this. Oh and it has to be by the end of the year.”

“Like I said, by next week. What do I get anyway if I win?”

“You get to make fun of her for all eternity.”

“Not enough. I do that anyway.”

“I’ll buy you a new car of any choice.”

“All I have to do is ask my parents for that.”

“What do you want then?”

“A million dollars.”

“Something reasonable.”

“I want you to rent me a super model for a week to be my girlfriend.”

“Deal. And if you lose you-”

“I won't lose.”

“But if you do, you have to announce to the whole school that you are in love with Fate.

“What if I'm not?”

“Doesn’t matter. It still has to be believable.”

“This is going to be like taking candy from a baby.” I open my door, throw my things into the back seat of my pickup and turn on my engine. It roars to life and I shut my door. This is going to be so easy.

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