Chapter 8

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“Honey we are leaving now. Are you ready?” Finally! I have been sitting in the dark living room waiting for nearly an hour. I couldn’t figure out how to turn on the TV and Troy was no where to be found. Well, he was probably up in his bedroom but I didn’t want to venture up there anymore. Once was enough. Usually it’s only my parents who come over here to hang out. I have only been over here a few times and I’m usually just sitting in a corner with the adults.

The rain pelts the car on our way home and when I can finally get up to my room I lay on the bed and pass out.

I slept till 1 in the afternoon on Saturday and then spent the rest of the time doing my homework and chores. At 8 my friends started showing up and I made the popcorn.

We settled down in the living room and my parents left for a date night. They are always gone but that’s good for me because then my friends and I don’t have to watch our language. My mom and dad are in love with my buddies though so it’s all good.

“Pass the popcorn!” My loud whisper could not be counted as quiet. Velvet sits with one of the two bowls on her lap, hogging the whole thing. Andrew and Chase had coveted the other one and refuse to share.

Us three girls ruled the couch while the boys were forced to lie on the floor. Its rather comfortable though with the sleeping bags I laid out for them.

Velvet reaches across Jocelyn and hands me the bowl. I take a large handful and set the bowl on Jocelyns’ lap.

“Stay” I tell it. We are watching Nightmare on Elm Street and it is scaring the living daylights out of me. I'm not a big horror movie fan but Andrew brought it over so oh well.

“I'm going to get a drink. Do you guys want anything?” Chase stands up and looks at us.

“Water please.” I look up at him before focusing back on the TV. The music on the film was increasing, warning you that something scary was going to happen. Right as Freddy jumps out, arms wrap around me. I scream like someone just stabbed me and my crew bursts out laughing. I pout.

“That was not funny.”

“Sure it was sweetheart.” Chase hands me my water bottle and plants himself on my lap. I glare at him and try to push him off but he won't budge.

“Get off me fat ass!”

“That’s not nice.”

“I'm mad at you. My actions are justified.”

He kisses my cheek and gets up, “Fair enough.” Ever since freshman year when we became close, Chase and I sort of act like a couple. We kiss each other and hug and hold hands sometimes but its nothing serious and we only do it between relationships.

He settles on the floor again and we finish the movie. When its done I click off the TV and we just sit in the dark.

“Do you guys want to sleep over?” I ask, not really wanting to be alone while my parents are gone.

“I can't. I have to go with my parents to a wedding really early tomorrow morning. Sorry.” Jocelyn looks sympathetic.

“Can’t, church.” Velvet gets up and turns the light on.

“Any takers?” I say to the boys.

“I will.” Chase raises his hand.

“Andrew?” I glance over at him and see that he is already asleep.

“Well that’s an automatic yes.”

“Well this was fun. Goodnight dearest.” Jocelyn hugs me goodbye and makes her way to the door.

“See you later.” Velvet waves as she follows Jocelyn out the door. I shuffle over and lock the door behind them so that no one can get in.

“Ready for bed?” I nearly have a heart attack at Chase’s voice. Repeatedly I smack his shoulder.

“You are so mean! And no I am not ready, are you kidding? I need to watch something happy before bed.”

“Like what?”

“The notebook.”

“That’s not happy.”

“The majority of it is. Just sit down. Do you want more popcorn?”

“I'm full thanks.”

“Okay.” He sits on the couch and I curl into his side. His warm arm goes around my shoulders and I feel safe. About halfway through the movie I fall asleep and am woken up later by Chase carrying me up the stairs to my room with a groggy Andrew dragging his feel behind us.

I am tucked in and the boys follow into my king bed on either side of me. ‘Goodnight’, I think to myself and revisit dreamland.

so I was wondering how you like this story. it would mean a lot to me if you comment and vote and tell me what you think. as a writer I'd love to have feed back. so please comment and vote. until next time lovelies :)





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