Sindri: Chapter Three

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I threw my bag of clothes against the wall of my cabin room. With a soft thud it landed on the floor. I hit my head repeatedly on the wall in frustration.

"Ow! Dammit, that hurt!" I complained as I rubbed my forehead. I decided to go above deck to catch a last glimpse of my island home. I walked up the stairs and over to the railing of the ship. The waters churned as the ship cut through them. Suddenly I felt very homesick for the palace. After Sinbad had established Sindria I had never left her boarders. This trip to Kou would be my first adventure since the founding of Sindria.

 I sighed and rested my chin on my hands. I was not ready to leave Sindria and become a wife. Honestly, the idea of being a wife scared me. Wives had to produce an heir, in order to have an heir you have to do that. 23 and still a virgin, that was me. The years I have seen Sinbad use women over and over again has instilled a fear of being used in me. After brother was done with a woman she would always come to me in tears. I didn't want that to happen to me.

I was about to throw myself a pity party when I heard a voice in the distance. I looked up and saw a flying carpet getting closer and closer to the ship. My eyes brightened. Did Sinbad change his mind? Was I gonna be able to go back home? My hopes were smashed when the carpet landed. The rider was not Sinbad, it wasn't even somebody I recognized. The man who landed had long black hair in a bubble braid and red eyes.

"Kouen! How could you leave me! I want to see your wife!" Shouted the man. Kouen walked out from below deck, his eyes narrowed in annoyance.

"I am NOT his wife!" I yelled without thinking. The man turned to look at me.

"Sinbad!? Wait, no. You have boobs." He said as he came up to me and poked my chest. My face grew red and I covered my chest with my hands.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed. My breaths came out shallow and uneven. He touched my boobs! He touched my boobs!  

"Kouen, why does Sinbad have boobs?" Asked the man as he pointed to me.

"That is not Sinbad, Judar.That is Sinbad's sister, Sindri." Explained Kouen to the 'Judar' guy. Judar's face grew sly and scary looking.

"His sister, huh?" He walked around me, looking me up and down." Nice, very nice."

"Judar, she is my bride. You can't have her." Kouen sternly said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. Normally I would have yelled and kicked, but I would rather be close to Kouen than Judar. The expression on Judar's face scared me, it was the face that Sinbad sometimes had when he wanted a girl. 

I turned and hugged Kouen, hiding my face in his chest. I could tell he was surprised, but did not show it. He acted as if I did this all the time. He was lucky I just didn't want to see Judar's face anymore.

"Okay, whatever." Said Judar sounding bored. I heard him walk away as I released Kouen from my grip.

"Sorry." I whispered, looking down.

"No need to apologize. In fact, you can do that whenever you want."

I nodded and walked back to my cabin room. I sat on my bed and rubbed my arm. I didn't realize I was crying until the tears dripped down my face and on to my hands. A reason I didn't mention about why I was scared of men touching me is when I still lived in Partavia I was almost raped several times. Each time Sinbad would hear me scream and save me, but I would still feel ashamed because they had touched me all over. Days after the incidents I would feel like a dirty whore.

I curled into a ball and began to cry. Suddenly I stopped crying. Fuck my past! I am a lot stronger than I was back then. I vow, I will never let a man make me feel like that again!

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