Kouen: Chapter 26

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I expected many things on this cross country trip. Waking up bound in ropes in the middle of a battlefield was definitely not one of them.

I looked around in mild confusion, not sure of what happened. My eyes landed on the body of Sindri's bodyguard Tabul. Panic flooded my body as I quickly pieced together what had happened. I struggled against the ropes, but they were strong and tight. 

"Spirit of Terror and Meditation dwell within me! I command you, Astaroth!" I shouted. The sword at my hip began to glow. Power coursed through me as my djinn entered me. There was a bright light and the ropes disintegrated as I entered full djinn equip. 

Now free I walked over to Tabul's fallen body. I gave him a salute to honor him. He protected Sindri to his dying breath and for that he will not be forgotten. Grabbing a blanket I covered his body. As I did I noticed his hand was outstretched and his finger was clearly pointing in the direction of a partially hidden pathway leading deeper into the forest. I gave a sad smile, even in death Tabul continues to be dedicated to his duty of protecting Sindri.

Without sparing a glance at the other bodies strewn about I rushed off in the direction Tabul was pointing in. The trees grew dense and the path became harder to follow, but I forced my way through. The trees scratched my arms and hit my face, but I pushed forward. Nothing was going to stand in my way of rescuing Sindri. 

The memory of waking up to her cuddled up to me only fueled my determination. I had only just found someone who made me happy, there was no way I was going to giver her up without a fight. Whoever was behind this whole mess was going to face my wrath and burn with the fire of my anger.

After a few miles I finally reached a clearing. There were several large tents pitched around a large fire pit. I scanned the campsite for Sindri, but couldn't find her. 

"Where the hell is he?!" A loud voice shouted.

"I don't know, sir. I'm certain the amount of Dymer Bark we used was not enough to knock him out for more than a few hours."

"Did you even leave him a way to know where we are?"


A loud smack was heard as the first voice hit the second one.

"You idiot. This whole thing is ruined if he doesn't show up."

I guessed that by him they ment me. I was tempted to rush in, but it was obviously a trap. I didn't want to rush in without a solid plan. 

"Bring out the girl." The first voice commanded. Panic seeped into me as a hooded man dragged Sindri out by the firepit. Her dress was torn and dirty with bruises littering her body. Another hooded man, presumably the first voice, gripped her by the hair and jerked her head back. She yelped in pain and looked up with fear.

"Scream for me. I want him to hear you."

"N-never." Sindri responded as she spit in the man's face. A swift slap sent Sindi falling backwards. 

"Stubborn are you?" The man asked as he crouched down and put his hand on Sindri's protruding stomach. "I wonder if you'll be as feisty if I-"

I didn't give the man time to finish. Seeing him put his hands on Sindri and threaten our child pushed me over the edge. With a loud roar I sprung from the woods and rushe at the hooded man with my sword out.

"Kouen!" Sindri screamed in surprise and relief.

Several people ran out from the tents, some hooding figures and others captured royal servants including Sindri's maid Hana. She looked dirty, but relatively unharmed. She quickly ran over to Sindri and helped her up. Now that I knew Sindri was with someone we could trust I turned my full attention to the people with swords pointed at me. 

They dare to challenge the Crown Prince of the Kou Empire? I smirked, then I will show no mercy.

I summoned fireballs and volted them towards one group while I slashed another down with my sword. None could match my royal training and I quickly cut down a large number of them. The thrill of war and fighting fueled me and I quickly finished most of the attackers.

This was easy, almost too easy. 

I turned to the leader, his hood hiding his face. He held double swords and seemed to be waiting for something.

"Take off your hood and face me. Or are you too much of a coward...Lucious."

The man began to laugh then he pulled off his hood.

"You figured it out. I'm surprised." Lucious said.

"Don't insult me. Your plans were very obvious.."

Lucious sprung at me and slashed at me with his swords. I easily parried them and used the momentum to punch Lucious in the face. His smile dropped and was replaced by an angry frown. I summoned more fireballs and volted them towards him. Jumping around Lucious managed to barely dodge my fireballs, but his clothing was slightly burned. I took the opportunity to slash at him with my sword.

Lucious screamed in pain as I cut him deep across his shoulder. Blood ran down his arm and stained the sand around him red. I was at the advantage, Lucious could only use one sword now and I was still in full djinn equip. I could easily take him out in one final blow.

I raised my sword to finish him off with a fire charged slash, but then I felt an extreme pain. I coughed in surprise and blood flew from my mouth. The metallic taste filled my senses as blood also began to flow from my eyes.

Magoi depletion

Quickly my djinn equip melted away and I was back in my robes. Blood dripped from my face and stained the soft yellow robe I had worn to please Sindri. I don't understand, how did I already use up all of my Magoi?

"I'm afraid it is a consequence of your decision, my king." Phoenix's voice filled my head. Of course, when I gave Sindri life I must have lowered the amount of Magoi I had. 

"Finally! I was wondering when you would run out." Lucious exclaimed as he regained his smile.

"You knew this would happen." I glared at Lucious. Suddenly I felt very vulnerable, at this rate I would have trouble defending Sindri and myself.

"Of course. Why do you think I had you play with my foot soldiers first? I wanted you to run out then, but you seemed to have more Magoi than I thought."

"How did you even know about that in the first place?"

"I have eyes and ears in the palace. It's amazing how people will talk when they don't think anyone is listening." Lucious smirked as he raised his sword at me

"It doesn't matter if I can't use my djinns. You are all alone now, I can still take you." I taunted.

"Not quite." A voice said from behind me. Sindri gasped and I turned to see Hana with a dagger against her neck.

Tabul's warning ringed in my head.

Beware the flower.

Yup, so Hana was the spy all along. I don't know of how much it was a surprise as some of you guys were actually starting to suspect her. Kudos to one reader who figured out Tabul's warning.(I'll dedicate the next few chapters to those who were correct) I want to thank you guys for voting, I can't believe I have over 700 votes! :D This story has officially passed my other story Patch Over the Heart. I'm so glad that everyone enjoys reading what I write, there are about 4-5 more chapter left before the end. So stay tuned til then! :D  -Panama 

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