Kouen: Chapter 28

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This chapter is dedicated to _Ren_Mizuki_ for correctly saying that Lucious and the maids were the ones behind the assassination plots.

We made it home safely the next night. When we had not arrived at our second destination a search party had been sent out. They found us a few hours after sundown. The ride home was certainly relaxing after the turbulent events. Sindri refused to let go of me, and we spent the entire ride by each other's sides. 

Tabul's body was retrieved and sent to be prepared for burial. He was going to be buried with the highest honors a soldier could receive.

Lucious, Hana, and several of their followers were taken in alive. Several had major injuries, Hana barely surviving her knife wound from Sindri. 

I sat in my office, wondering how to deal with the punishments of Lucious and the others. I had on my desk a warrant for their deaths and a warrant for sending them to heavy labor.

There was a knock at the door and it opened before I could say anything. Sindri walked in, her bruises slightly hidden by some makeup. Her eyes had a fire in them and I knew what she came in to talk about.

"I want them dead." She demanded.

"Good evening to you too, honey." I said.

"Please, don't play with me. I know you're deciding what to do with them right now." Sindri said as she folded her arms.

"It's not that easy." I sighed.

"Riem has given us total authority over dealing with them. They've also given us Lucious' trading company as compensation for being attacked like this. I don't see how this difficult, they have no reason to be alive anymore." Sindri argued.

"Alright honey, let me think about it." I said.

"Kouen! Listen to me, they killed Tabul and almost killed our child!" Sindri exclaimed, her voice breaking.

"Sindri, please." I soothed.

"You know what, I don't want to fight about this. Do what you want, but please take me into consideration." Sindri said as she quickly wiped her eyes. Without giving me a chance to speak she exits my office.

I looked at both warrants then picked up my pen. I hesitated for a few moments before signing one.


"Kouen! Wake up!" Sindri screeched.

I bolted up from bed, my eyes wild and frantic. Ready to fight I reached for my sword.

"What is it!?" I exclaimed.

"The baby kicked!" Sindri squealed. My muscles relaxed and I turned to Sindri. 


"The baby is kicking. Look, here, put your hand here." Sindri said as she placed my hand on her belly.

I felt a slight bump and completely melted. I looked up at Sindri and smiled. Our baby was healthy and kicking. I leaned over and kissed Sindri.

"Four more months until we get to see our baby boy." Sindri smiled.

"Baby boy?" I laughed.

"Yes, I just know it's going to be a boy." Sindri smiled with a gleam in her eye.

"Oh, Sindri, I love you." I whispered as I brought her closer in a hug.

"I- I love you too." Sindri whispered, her voice shaking.


"Sindir, where are you?" I called out.

"Over here!" Sindri responded. I followed her voice to the large new garden in the courtyard. Sindri sat on the pedestal of the large statue of Tabul.

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