Sindri: Chapter 9

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I left the kitchen quietly and walked to my room, my head down the whole time. As soon as I closed the door of my room I leaped onto my bed and buried my head into my pillow. Then I let out the scream of a banshee.

Stupid Kouen! He is just like all other guys, how did I ever convince myself he could be any different that other spoiled royals that don't care about anything. Oh Great Solomon, I'm such and idiot!  

My pillow was damp with my tears. Solomon dammit all! I can't believe I'm crying over him again. I grabbed my pillow and threw it as hard as I could against the wall. Then I began to punch the headboard of the bed.

"Fuck!" I seethed as I clutched my injured hand. I then proceeded to let out a large string of curses.

"My, what foul language coming from a princess." 

I nearly fell off the bed in surprise from the voice that came from the direction of the desk. I looked over and saw Judar with a big smirk on his face.

"Get out of my room!" I shouted as I begun to fling random objects at him. All the objects bounced off of his borg and landed harmlessly on the ground.

"Haven't you tried this already?" Judar sighed as he began to float.

"Go away." I puffed out pitifully as I plopped back onto my bed. I was simply too tired to deal with Judar's crap. I turned my back to Judar and closed my eyes, simply wanting to sleep.

"I wonder..." Judar mumbled to himself. Suddenly the temperature dropped and heard the distinctive sound of a sharp object flying though the air. I turned only to see Judar throwing a large icicle straight at me. I barely had time to open my mouth before the icicle hit me. 

I was frozen in shock as the tip of the icicle barely pierced my skin. I looked up to see that my borg had stopped most of the icicle. Before I could speak my borg shattered and the icicle melted with a wave of Judar's hand.

"What the hell? My borg should have stopped that icicle completely! Why did it shatter from a simple ice attack?!" I shouted at Judar as I jumped out of bed.

"It's just how I thought it would be." Judar murmured. I stomped over to him and grabbed him by his shirt.

"Explanation! Now!" 

"Jeez, back up! Don't get your panties in a bunch!"


Judar sighed and flopped onto my bed and put his hands behind his head.

"Fine. Well, when I first saw you I saw thought the Rukh that you were a talented magician. I wanted to see just how strong you were, but then you fell into the ocean and Kouen saved you something about you was different. Your Rukh was different, the Rukh attached to you had changed, with only a small portion of them being your original Rukh. I did some observing and I realized that the Rukh you now had once belonged to Kouen. Kouen is the owner of a Metal Vessel, magicians are not compatible with Metal Vessels, therefore, your ability to manipulate the Rukh has been greatly lessened. Honestly, I'm surprised that you were even able to conjure up a borg."

"DAMMIT!!" I screamed as I clenched my fists. Magic was the only thing I was good at, being cooped up in the palace I dedicated all my time studying it.

Suddenly Judar got really close to me.

"Now that I know how weak your magic is now, it makes you that more vulnerable..."

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