The Heir of Gold and Red

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This is a one shot requested by @NikiAki 

Sinbad felt anxious. The ornaments on his clothes jingled as he bounced his leg up and down and constantly shifted his eyes around the room. 

The banquet room was heavily decorated, gold sparkled in almost every direction Sinbad looked. Several Kou officials sat around and chatted, waiting for the reveal of the newborn royal child.  

"Sin, calm down. It's not like this is a war council or something." Ja'far chided as he passed Sinbad a cup of wine. 

"I can't believe I have to wait to see the baby with everyone else. I'm Sindri's brother, I should have been one of the first people to see her baby." Sinbad complained with a hint of annoyance. He grabbed the cup of wine and took a deep drink. The sweet liquid coated his throat and soothed his nerves.

"Kou is quite particular about their royalty, especially since this baby is Kouen's heir. I'm surprised we even received an invitation." Yamuraiha said. 

"But the baby is also Sindrian royalty, having as much of my blood as Kouen's." Sinbad huffed out with a small pout. 

Before any of the eight generals could respond a Kou maid quietly walked up to their table and bowed before Sinbad.

"Excuse me, but Prince Kouen and Princess Sindri are going to enter soon. Please follow me."

"Of course. Please, lead the way." Sinbad smiled with sparkling eyes as he stood, his voice overly sweet. A rosy hue blossomed over the maid's cheeks and she quickly turned away.  Ja'far frowned and pulled at Sinbad's clothes, giving him a warning look with his eyes. Sinbad simply smiled in return, a cheeky smile over his face.

"I better not get into any trouble." Ja'far sighed while glaring at Sinbad.

"They don't call him the Womanizer of the Seven Seas for nothing." Sharrkin quipped with a smirk. Yamuraiha scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Relax, I can keep my hands to myself...for now at least." Sinbad smirked, quickly running after the maid before Ja'far could chastise him.

The maid led Sinbad up to an empty seat at the edge of the head table. She motioned for him to sit and placed a golden goblet in front of him. Sinbad sat down and quickly glanced at the table's occupants, the Kou Emperor and Emperess sat to his right.

"It's a perfect evening for a baby reveal. The sky is clear and spirits are joyous." Sinbad said, trying to break the awkward silence. He grabbed his goblet and raised in a mini toast.

"Let me be clear, this baby is a child of Kou. Don't get any crazy ideas." The Emperor snarled without looking at Sinbad.

Sinbad's eyes darkened as he turned from the Emperor and looked straight ahead. 

"Don't misunderstand, this baby is half Sindrian and will be treated as such." Sinbad said with forced politeness. The Emperor slightly turned to respond, but was cut off by the sound of a horn coming from the entrance of the banquet hall.

"Now entering, Crown Prince Kouen, Crown Princess Sindri, and the royal baby!"

The double doors opened, revealing Kouen and Sindri, both were dressed in white with matching gold embroidery. They looked straight ahead to the head table and started walking forward.

Sinbad drew in his breath, he could see the covered bundle in Sindri's arms squirming around. His eyes grew soft as he smiled at his sister, she looked beautiful. Who would have thought that she'd grow up so fast?

The couple stopped a few feet in front of the head table. Slowly Kouen peeled away the thick veil that covered their baby.

"Your Majesty, I present Prince Kouta, my son." Kouen announced. Whispers instantly broke out throughout the room as everyone tried to get a glance at the prince.

"Did you hear? A boy! What a happy day."

"A male heir, how perfect."

"Kouta? A fine name indeed."  

Sinbad blocked out all of the whispers and thoughts of politics. It didn't matter that their firstborn was a male or that a viable heir had been produced, all he could think about was the fact that he was an uncle.

Sinbad quickly stood and walked up to Sindri, not caring about the gasps of surprise that came from the crowd. He was only focused on the squirming bundle in Sindri's arms.

Small tuffs of red hair sprouted from Baby Kouta's head, they felt soft under Sinbad's fingertips. He gasped as Kouta reached up and grabbed him, Kouta's entire hand barely able to wrap around only one finger.

Tears stung Sinbad's eyes as Kouta looked up at him with bright golden eyes. The entire world melted away. Warmth filled Sinbad's chest as his nephew babbled and clutched his finger.

Nothing in the world mattered, nothing but the tiny baby that held onto Sinbad and shared his blood.

"He has Father's eyes and I just know he'll have Mother's smile. They would have been so happy." Sinbad whispered. Sindri smiled and nodded as a few tears fell from her eyes. 

"I know." Sindri replied breathlessly. Kouen gently wrapped his arm around her shoulders and kissed the side of her head.

"You are a very special baby, I know you'll do great things in the future." Sinbad cooed to Kouta. The squirming baby babbled as if answering his uncle then swung Sinbad's finger around with a laugh.

Sinbad laughed and looked at Kouta with love. This baby was the continuation of his blood, Sinbad now had another family member. Not only that, but Kouta was the heir of two of the world's strongest countries.

He could be very powerful in the future, but for now he was just a baby and Sinbad would do anything to make sure he was happy and safe.



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