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I can't believe the words that came out of my mouth as I told my boyfriend something I should've never done.


I deserved that and much worse. I deserved to die. Honestly, what was I thinking?!?!

"It's over!" I heard his shaky voice say. Then a single tear fell from his eye. It broke me. I had done this.

I silently watched as he threw on his shoes sloppily. I had no right to stop him. He had every right to leave.

After he stormed out, I let the tears I held back out. I didn't deserve to cry. I stopped crying a second after.

Letting a shaky breath out I reached for my phone. I unlocked the screen and went to my contacts. I clicked his.

"Sorry your call has been forwarded to a voice messaging system. 123-765-8888 could not be reached at the moment. Please leave a message after the tone. Beep."

"Mini I'm sorry. I know what I did was wrong and I won't stop you from leaving because all I want is to see you happy. I'll pack all your stuff and leave it at the door with some money. I love you, no matter how much you hate me," I spoke into the phone.

I stayed silent before adding,"I'm sorry for cheating".

With that I stopped the message and started packing.

The next day, Mini came to pick his stuff up. Not a word was passed between us.

That was two weeks ago and still I text him.

Me: Good morning sunshine. Hope you have a good day.

No reply, just like usual. I did my morning retinue before my phone went off.

My Angel: I miss you

I stood there looking at my phone for a second, shocked by the text. Then he sent a second one.

My Angel: Sorry, wrong person.

My heart shattered. He had already gotten over me? I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

'No I deserve it' I told myself as I restrained myself from letting the tears fall.

I woke up. Mini stirred a little as I jolted straight up.

"Mmm, Tyler what are you doing?" Mini mumbled, sleep evident in his voice.

"Nothing but a silly nightmare," I told him.

"Whatever you say," Mni said as he let out a yawn. I laid back down and placed my hands around Mini's waist; bringing him as close to me as possible.

"I love you," I said to my beatiful boyfriend.

"I love you too," he said. He let out an adorable yawn before his cute snores returned.

"I will never let you go," I said softly before going to bed with a smile on my face.

Author's Note
It sucked, I know. Whatever... I won't be able to update this as often because my school just started today so :d Well I is tired and I have school tomorrow so has a cookie *Hand Chu Cookie* Before I do my outro thingy all I have to say is, HOODINI!! XD kill me now. Well have a great day/night and smile on :)

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