Happy Valentine's Day

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Moo's P.O.V.

I sat in my room with Evan or Tyler outside. I sighed quite loudly and fell back onto the bed. A small knock comes to my metal door. I sit up confused it isn't lunch yet so what could they want?

The door cracks open and an average height man comes in. His hazel are filled with fear and sadness and I can see he had got a haircut.

"Haven't seen you for a few months Mini," I sigh out. I fall back onto my bed not really caring.

"When will you wake up?" Mini mumbles out. Anger and pain runs through my veins. My jaw clenches and I lay perfectly still. Then I talk.

"I. Am. Not. Sick. I don't see why you guys say that!" I yell turning to face Mini. A tear slips down his face and hurt mixes with fear and sadness.

"He's died! He's never coming back get over it!" Mini shouts which takes me aback. Pain flooded my system as I look straight into my friend's eyes.

"He's not! He told me he'd always be here and he would never lie to me," I choke out. Tears fall down my face. He'd never ever lie to me.

"You need to wake up! You saw him die. I think it's time to wake up," Mini cries out,"I want my friend back." Mini walks out and closes the door.

Tears fall down my face. He's died. I know it but I don't want to believe it. I get up and walk into my small bathroom. I quickly pick the lock on my middle drawer.

I throw all the pill bottles on the counter. I dump my tooth brush on the ground and fill the cup it was in with water. I dump pills into my shaking hand.

I take the red ones. I take the green ones. I take the orange ones. I take the white ones. I take the gray ones. I take the yellow one. I take the blue ones. I fall to the floor.

My whole body aches. Is this what it feels like to die? Then, the numbing starts. It starts at the tip of my toes. Mini bursts through the door and I look at him. I giggle at his hazy figure before I groan. The numbing covers my feet.

Mini screams and Tyler runs into the bathroom with Evan right behind him. They both gasp at my body. I taste my blood as it slides into my mouth from my throat. My chest heaves and I cough up the blood.

I can't feel my legs now. The two more put together men lift me while Mini sobs. I can feel blood drip out of my nose and I cough up more blood. I try my best to thrash in their grip but they managed to hold me still. My legs kinda drag and I giggle.

I don't know why I'm laughing. Maybe I am crazy. Brian didn't think I was crazy so I guess I'm not. But Brian has already lied to me so maybe he lied about everything. The feeling leaves my chest and I can't breath.

My vision becomes more and more hazy until I give up on seeing. I close my eyes and picture him. I can only see the stab wounds in his chest. His chest heaving labored breaths and him telling me how much it hurts. I wish I could've taken all the pain.

I open my eyes and see machines hooked up to me. I feel nothing so I stand up. My body did not move with me. Did I die? Am I going more crazy? I shrugged and walked to the bathroom.

"Brock," I hear someone familiar say from behind me. Their voice is soft and flows like the wind. It tickles my ear and I turn slowly. I see him. I see Brian.

"Brian?" I asked softly. I think I am going crazy. I also think I like being crazy.

"I've waited for you. I love you Brock. Will you be my Valentine?" He asked as he separates his arms for a hug. I shake my head yes and tackle him in a hug.

"I missed you," I sob. He kisses my head lightly.

"I've missed you too love. Happy Valentine's Day," Brian whispers and brings my lips to his.

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! Who else expected the ending? Not me! I'm super right now so UPDATE FOR YALL!!!

Oh and once again...


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