Dathi Delirious

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Delirious sat in front of his computer with his crush's newest video on the screen. Most people that watched his videos and shipped him with someone shipped him with his second best friend, Evan or Vanoss. It was weird because, although he was bisexual, he did not like that friend.

Delirious would admit Evan had a hot body but he just didn't feel it. Instead, Delirious was head over heels for his Irish friend, David. Just thinking about how he rages and his cute angry face made Delirious blush.

But about half way through the video, his heart bursted into a thousand, tiny pieces. The video he was watching was a would you rather with his other friend, Mini. David muttered some words that hurt him. He tried to chuckle but it came out a sob.

Delirious couldn't take it anymore. He opened his Skype and called David. It rang for a few seconds before he picked up. David's cute face popped unto the screen with a large smile.

David was always happy when Delirious called. The truth was, after things with ex, Lui, didn't turn out right, he's realized he liked Delirious. He tried to hide it but he could only think about him. Whenever he spoke to his other friends, it was about Delirious. He was hoping no one noticed how he paid slightly more attention to his crush.

David was terrible at hiding things. He made a video about himself and Delirious going on a 'gay adventure' and he even had a picture of their characters kissing for a thumbnail. David watched his every video and smiled at his slight stutter and his loud laugh. David had no idea how much all of actions was hurting Delirious so when Delirious called him he answered with a smile that quickly fell.

Delirious had his webcam on and David saw his beautiful face for the first time. David pictured that when he saw his crush's face for the first time, their would be a sly smile but that was not the case. The first time David saw Delirious' face, it was with tears streaming down his face and hurt in his big, blue eyes. David heart ached and he quickly asked what was wrong.

"I love you," Delirious mumbled while looking down. Then, he looked up to meet David's shocked filled eyes. He quickly spilled everything he felt while tears fell and a blush crept swept across his face. David was surprised, happy, sad, mad, more sad, shocked, more happy and so much more. Eventually, David cut off Delirious' rambling.

"I love you too." That was 8 years ago. Now both stood at the alter exchanging vows. Delirious was crying like the first time they admitted their feelings but unlike that time, they were tears of joy. The pair were told to kiss and they leaned in closer. Then, everything stopped.

You see, although Delirious didn't like Evan like that, Evan liked Delirious like that. He was slowly losing his mind. He thought he should have the older man. He had managed holding back all his feeling but he couldn't do it forever. At his friends' wedding he brought a gun.

The happy couple never got to seal their love with one final kiss. Delirious' body fell to the floor and blood leaked out of the hole in his head. Evan shot him then himself. Now, 2 years later, David stood with the same gun pressed to his head.

"I love you," He said as he pulled the trigger.

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