Mr. Hottie Part Two (Minicat)

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Years later, I heard a knock at my door. I pulled myself out of bed and the hangover hit me hard. I've been drinking my problems away since my husband, Delirious, left me for his friend, Vanoss. I sighed and pulled on some pants. Yes, they were dirty but everything was dirty in this apartment.

It blows my mind how I still have a job even though I'm drunk 95% of the time. It's probably because it isn't a very good job and because I'm smart. A much louder knock echoed through the small apartment and it reminded me of my daughter.

Jonathan had taken her away from me so I only get to see her one weekend a month. I smiled as I thought of how much of a big girl she is despite being only 4. Maybe getting a kid after getting married wasn't a great idea but I still love my little girl.

The knocks got louder so I skipped getting a shirt on and I made my way to the door. I flung it open and there he stood. Mr. Hottie. My eyes widened as I remembered how he stole my first kiss and ran away.

"Mini?" I asked confused.

"Ya, I just moved back to America from the UK because I couldn't get you out of my head," he told me. I haven't seen this man in years and here he stood, at my door.

"What?" I asked him super confused.

"Do you wanna go to StarBucks? I'll pay," he offered. I threw my head back and laughed.

"StarBucks?" I questioned through my laughter. His shy demeanor immediately changed into an angry one as he crossed his arms.

"So yes or no?" What was this? Who could ask the most questions?

"Sure, just let me get a shirt first," I told him as I gestured him inside.


"And that's how your Daddy and I met," Mini told my now 14 year old daughter. She laughed and wiped her tears.

"What about Papa? How did Daddy and Papa meet?" She asked excitedly.

"That's a story for another time," I told her an kissed he forehead.

"Now remember to have a good time on your date," Mini told her.

"Wait?! It's a date!?" I yelled.

"Bye!" My daughter yelled with a red face a she ran out the door.

"You aren't going to be able to walk tomorrow," I told Mini as I saw him laughing. His face shifted into fear and amusement as I said those words. Yep, I'm so glad I'm married Mr. Hottie better known as Mr. Trader.

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