Chapter 1: Mission Starts

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Birds are singing a cheery melody as the sun shone in full brilliance. The sky is blue and the fresh air lingerered with the scent of beautiful flowers blooming under the shade of trees. It refreshed the mages from their tiring ride to this isolated island.

" This place seem very peaceful, it makes me wonder if there really is a monster here. Why would people not want to come here, " Lucy said as she inhailed.

"It looks like a nice location for a picnic," Wendy agreed.

"A p-picnic......" Erza stummered, suddenly blushing. Lucy and Wendy looked at each other knowingly. Erza's first and second picnic had been ruined during missions and the way she looks right now, she must be thinking of Jellal.

"Whatever, let's just look for the enemy and bust 'em out. This place rather smells weird to me. Come on Happy," Natsu said and run ahead of them.

"Aye sir, " Happy said and followed.

"Baka (idiot/stupid)! Do you even know where you're going flame brain," Gray yelled after him.

"I guess we just have to follow him. He has a strong sense of smell after all," Erza said in commanding mode. All of them ran after Natsu.

"Guys I think the weird smell comes from here, " Natsu said; suddenly stopping in his tracks.

"It seems to come from underneath," Wendy confirmed.

"Then let's go underneath," Natsu said as his fist was surrounded with flames ready to hit. Suddenly the ground rumbled and they were all swallowed by the earth.


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