Chapter 46: Love Rival

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Lucy slowly walked out of the bath in their guild. A naked ice mage greeted her sight. ''Put some clothes on!'' she yelled and Gray grabbed a nearby towel. He cornered Lucy to a wall. Both his arms stopped her from going anywhere. Juvia who was about to come out of the bath collapsed at what she saw.

Their guild mates whispered with each other and looked from Gray and Lucy to a spot by the window. Lucy followed their gaze and saw Loke. But he did not even turn around. 'How could that silly lion not feel that I am being harassed by his buddy here?' she cried.

''What did you do to him?'' Gray asked as he pointed Loke who is sitting beside one of the windows of the guild. ''He had been absent minded lately. He should have turned around now and carried you away from me. It's weird that he did not.''

''Eh? What do you mean?'' Lucy turned to look at Loke again. He seemed so distant. She had been in the bath with the other ladies for quite some time that he did not even know Loke was already here. What Gray said is indeed true. He should have felt her presence and run to her side immediately. Yes, like he always does.

''He had been like that for several days now,'' Gray continued. Lucy pouted. How could she not notice when this ice mage did. It's making her jealous. Gray had known Loke longer than her too. ''He would come to the guild but he would not mingle with everyone like he used to do.''

''Really? I did not even notice?''

''Loke is not the kind who would get shaken by anyone. It's only you who can make him like that. Maybe because you are busy thinking of someone else. Who is it? I won't tell anyone,'' Gray probed. He leaned in closer to Lucy and Juvia almost died. Their guild mates looked at her and Loke with a confused look.

''I'm not thinking of any one. And please do not come any closer when you are naked. I can feel a murderous glare from someone,'' Lucy said as she trembled.

Gray sighed. He knew Juvia is looking at them but he is used to her getting jealous at every woman he talks to. ''There really is something wrong with your man. He still haven't come to rescue you from a pervert. Maybe I should provoke him more,'' Gray said with devious grin.

''Nope. That's enough you pervert. Someone is gonna kill me. By the way, thanks for telling me Gray. Maybe I should talk to him.'' Gray smiled at that and let Lucy go.

Lucy walked towards Loke. She touched his shoulder. He did not even turn.

''If it's a fight I already told you I'm not interested Natsu,'' Loke said coldly. Since when did his voice sound like that?

''How come you do not recognize me anymore,'' the stellar mage pouted. He normally should have felt her presence and should have turned with a flirtatious smile before she could even talk. This is really unusual. She always cuts Loke when he turns so flirty but she missed it when he stops doing it. It is not like him not to flirt.

''Oh Lucy! It's you! I missed you so much,'' Loke said suddenly back to normal. ''I'm so sorry I was deep in thought.''

That made her worried. What could this Lion be thinking about that he would forget to flirt around and not even recognize her presence? ''Is something the matter?''

''Uh, no. It's nothing. I'm just contemplating something. It's nothing that should concern you,'' Loke said with an obviously pretentious smile.

Lucy crossed her arms. ''You said what?'' she said in an offended tone. ''How could you say something like that to me? Everything about you concerns me,'' she said with conviction. People behind them had wide smiles as they formed hearts with their hands and viewed the two converse through it.

''Of course. I'm sorry Lucy,'' Loke said with tears of joy. ''It's about,'' he sighed and looked out the window again. His sad expression returned.

Lucy sat beside him. Their guild mates thought she should have just sat on his lap. ''Loke please tell me what's bothering you.''

''I thought I heard you say you did not want to talk about it.'' Loke said still staring at the scenery outside the guild. He looked up to the sky. It looked sad. Dark clouds shrouded the supposedly blue sky. ''There would be no stars tonight,'' he sadly said.

Lucy joined him in looking out. ''I hope the clouds would clear. It would be a lonely night without the stars,'' she said. She turned to him and said, ''if you would smile maybe I would still see your star shine brightly tonight even with those clouds.''

Lucy's words were just too comforting to the Lion that his lowly heart felt like it lightened up. He turned to Lucy with a smile. She smiled back.

The people in the guild that are watching them cannot help but smile and giggle. The two looked so cute together. Their faces were so close with each other that it would have been better to watch them kiss.

''Did he just say that he is not in the mood and would not join Lucy tonight,'' Wakaba said.

''I think so. And Lucy would be lonely without him so she cheered him up. Loke agreed to still join her,'' Macao added and the two old men laughed.

''Your minds are too perverted. Have some booze if you cannot make any good interpretations. They are talking about the stars,'' Cana butted in.

''But those are the real meaning behind those words,'' the two insisted. Cana threw them a barrel of booze.

''So, are you going to tell me what made you sober?'' Lucy pressed. She made a cute little smile that she's sure would take effect on Loke. Using your charm once in a while would prove to be of some help.

Loke sighed he knew she smiled that way on purpose but even so he could not resist it. She looks so cute. ''If you insist.'' His facial expression turned serious. Lucy could read a hint of pain and hurt in his eyes. ''It's about my love rival,'' he said with hate in his eyes.

Their observers looked at each other. Who would that be? They stared at Natsu and Gray. Those two are the men closest to Lucy. They could be Loke's love rival.

''Eh?'' Lucy found him to be sounding like Juvia. It's all so weird. ''Did Juvia somehow possess you?'' she said to lighten the atmosphere between them. But Loke was really serious. 'I have a bad feeling about this,' Lucy thought.

Loke stared at Lucy directly in the eye. He was probing her. Lucy felt uneasy at his heated gaze. She felt like he is blaming her of doing something she did not do. But his gaze made her guilty. She did not know why. 'What have I done this time?' she mentally face palmed.

Next Chapter: Hurtful Words

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