Chapter 7: Something's Wrong with Loke

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Aquarius peacefully returned to the Celestial Spirit World and Lucy checked that everyone is safe (though they are still asleep).

She remembered Loke, why is he suddenly so silent? He should be flirting right now as he always does. She looked around and saw Loke collapse to the ground.

"Loke!" She run to his side and saw him twitch in pain. His face has beads of sweat and though he tried to hide it, the pain he felt shown on his face and his hands are balled into fists.

"What's wrong Loke? Did you get injured? I will close your gate now so you could rest," Lucy said with worry etched on her face.

Loke held her hand as she was about to close his gate. "It's of no use Lucy. I returned awhile ago and yet I suddenly appeared here again."

"But why? I didn't summon you. Did you break a rule again?"

"I've already learned my lesson Lucy. I wouldn't want to put you in all that trouble again. Although I wouldn't mind you holding me in your arms again," Loke said with a smile. Then a wave of pain hit again and he curled into ball. His skin paled and he writhed in pain.

"Loke! How could you talk like that when you're in so much pain."

"Lucy, please get away from me. Run as far as you can...." he said in a weak voice.

"Huh? Why? No way am I going to leave you like this," Lucy said with teary eyes. She tried to close his gate several times but he just reappeared in front of her again and again. "Why? What's wrong?"

Loke looked at her with a sad expression. "I guess the gate is truly loyal to me. It obeys only what I really want."

"What do you mean?"

"What I really want right now is to be beside you so I just kept on reappearing here. Even my body does not obey me. It comes to your side on its own."

"Loke could you just quit the flirting and be serious for once."

"I am being serious Lucy.... Argh." Loke twisted in pain but he smiled when he saw Lucy's worried face, now streaming with tears. "Hey, don't cry for me. You really love me that much eh?" Loke said grinning like an idiot despite the pain he felt.

Lucy can't help but smile too, though more tears filled her eyes. She wondered why is she even crying. Stupid tears! How could they fall so easily? Stupid Lion! How could he still bother to cheer me up when he looked like he is fading!?

She looked behind her and saw the crystal water flowing through. It gave her an idea.

"Loke can you stand? I need you to get in the water. It can heal and boost powers. It may be able to help you." She helped him get in the water and as soon as he was soaked, he glowed in power and his skin color returned. Lucy herself jump in the water too to heal her wounds. She immediately felt power coursing through her veins and it replenished her strength. She looked at Loke and asked, " better?"

"Yes. The pain was eased and I feel like power is welling up inside me, " he told her. 'But the strong craving is not gone yet,' he told himself.

He looked at Lucy and cannot help but notice her wet clothes emphasize her curves. Her hair is dripping wet, her full lips are parted like it is inviting him, and her innocent brown eyes looked up to him with love and concern.

He wanted to kiss her and and hold her close to him. 'No damn it! How could I think this way! The drug they injected is taking effect again,' he thought.

"I would try to return now," he said to Lucy.

However, after numerous attempts he still appeared beside Lucy. She closed his gate for a couple of times too but with the same result. Loke mustered his strength and returned to the Celestial Spirit World again.

When he did not appear beside her within a minute, Lucy thought they had succeeded. However, she saw a bright flash of light on her right and saw Loke reappear a few meters away from her. He still stood by the river near a large rock covered in flowers.

As he stood faraway from Lucy even just for a few meters, Loke felt a wave of pain crush him as his unsatisfied craving worsened. He fell to his knees. Knowing he would collapse again he pulled a mattress from the Celestial Spirit World though he does not really need it. Then threw it on the ground as he realized why he got it. It is for Lucy. He wanted to lie there with her. 'Stupid drug,' he muttered under his breath.

Loke totally collapsed in the river and Lucy ran to him as fast as she could. Loke did his best to get out of the water. Pain seared his body so he just lay on the grasses beside the river. He looked at Lucy and he can't help himself but feel relief and joy as she walked to his direction.

His mind worked differently though. His eyes wandered from her face, to her full lips, then to her bouncing breast. Loke gulped. Then his eyes wandered to her long sexy legs and he realized that he can clearly see her underwear. It was bright blue in color and it tightly hugged her curves. Since it is wet Loke could clearly see the outline of what is hidden there. He gulped and salivated. He could see it! Her folds! The center of her womanhood! Heat instantly surged through his body and craved even more than he did a while ago. Through his wet pants the bulge of his member is clearly visible. It continued to rise further and push against his pants as Lucy neared. He panted as his breathing hastened and his heart drummed his chest. He closed his eyes and tried to think straight. 

"NO," he said out loud. He would not do it to Lucy. He'd rather be in pain.

"Loke are you alright? " Lucy inquired and sat beside him. She put her hand on Loke's forehead. It was burning hot and so is his entire body.

Loke removed her hand and begged, "Lucy, I will be alright. Please just leave me alone. You can't come near me. Run and hide as fast as you can. Please. Just go."

She looked around wide-eyed, "Why? Is an enemy approaching? I won't let you face them if you're like this."

"No Lucy. It is me. I am a danger to you. I am drugged," he said and told Lucy what happened.

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