Chapter 27: Wake Up Sleeping Beauty

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'How can I continue sleeping with all this noise anyway,' Lucy said as she slowly opened her eyes. Loke's face was the first thing that she saw. ''Ohio Princess, I hope you had enough rest,'' he said.

''Where are we?'' she asked. Loke's face was too close that all she can do to avoid his gaze was to look around. Everyone's really there. They all smiled at her. ''T-this is not my house,'' she realized. She saw Wendy and her face is all red as the little girl tried to avert her look. Lucy tried to move but someone was holding her.

''We're at the train station, my love.'' Loke whispered in her ear. She turned red when she realized that she's on Loke's lap and he is hugging her tight against him. That's why it was so warm; that she thought she was sleeping in her room. ''You pervert, let go of me,'' she instantly said.

''You would feel cold if I do that Sweetheart. You have been so comfortable that you had a nice long sleep in my arms,'' Loke said as he loosened his tight embrace.

''What?! What time is it already?''

''It's sunset princess. See for yourself,'' Loke pointed to the setting sun. ''Isn't it beautiful?''

Lucy and everyone else turned and were awed in silence at the beauty of the sunset.

''How nostalgic,'' Lisanna was the first one to talk. ''Natsu it's just like the sunset when we slept together after warming Happy,'' she continued. Natsu nodded with a blush. Wendy and Juvia turned red as well at the words 'slept together'.

Mira and Elfman looked at each other thinking that Lisanna had grown up fast. They feel so blessed to have her back again.

Lucy and Erza smiled at each other. Juvia held tight on Gray's arm and rested her head on his shoulder. ''Oi,'' the ice mage said in protest but did not push her away.

The sun sunk and the momentary silence ended with it. Erza turned to Lucy and said, ''you would invite me to witness your wedding right?''

''What are you talking about? When did I ever say I'm getting married,'' Lucy said with a blush as she removed Loke's arms around her waist.

Erza fell to the ground. ''She would not invite me. I, I thought we're sisters. I would not see another wedding of my friends,'' she sulked.

''She still hasn't gotten over Bisca and Alzac's wedding,'' Happy murmured.

Lucy sweat-dropped. She stood up and kneeled beside Erza. ''That's not what I mean. Of course I would invite you when that day comes. It's just that, right now, I think I'm still unprepared for that,'' Lucy said to comfort Erza. Her friend's tantrums were really indifferent. It's funny and confusing sometimes.

''That's why I told you that we should be planning our future now,'' Loke said in the background.

''Really?'' Erza looked up with hopeful eyes.

''Yes. That's a promise,'' Lucy said.

Erza smiled and hugged Lucy. They never thought this terrfying woman would be very particular in such matters. ''I'll let you witness my wedding too,'' Erza said and blushed.

''Come to mine too Lucy-san,'' Juvia added and Gray almost fainted. Lucy noted that Juvia did not call her as love rival.

Natsu was about to laugh at Gray but he stopped when he saw Lisanna smiling at him. Gladly, she did not utter a word.

''Eh? Minna (Everyone), the train is about to leave,'' Happy warned them.

''You're right! Let's go before it leaves us behind,'' Erza said, regaining her composure.

''Should I ride with you princess?'' Loke asked Lucy.

''Definitely not. You've stayed too long already you must return to the spirit world now. You've had enough trouble carrying me,''

''Not at all princess. I'm fine with that as long as I'm with you, my love.''

''Go now or do I have to close your gate,'' Lucy was about to get his key but before she could touch it Loke held her hands.

''You don't have to do that. I'll go,'' he said and held her chin up as he leaned in.

''Loke, what are you-'' Lucy blushed realizing that he would kiss her. Why is he doing this? Their lips were just an inch away from each other. Loke's gaze seemed to hold her that she cannot look away.

Loke closed his eyes and he inhaled. He leaned forward and just as their lips were about to collide, he smiled in victory. He whispered to Lucy's ear, ''I missed you,'' and vanished before Lucy could say anything.

''That flirt!'' Lucy said clenching her fist. 'He's such a tease.'

''Eh? Lucy's getting angry that Loke did not kiss her,'' Happy chimed as they walked to their seats.

Lucy was told that she doze off so they asked Loke to wait for them and guard her as they go and claim the reward. She got her part and was so delighted to be able to pay her rent in advance.

However, they kept on teasing her about the supposed kiss before Loke left. They also told her that he almost kissed her while she was asleep but he didn't. They kept on repeating to her the words that they heard from Loke as he rejected the ladies who wanted him. She realized that she heard those but she thought it was just a dream.

Happy teased and teased her. The others joined in and kept on repeating Loke's words that she got so tired of explaining, though they never believed a word she said. They insisted that she and Loke are such adorable couples and they should really get married immediately. And once that topic was brought forth, everything went complicated.

The groups' laughter emanated through the train. They all kept teasing each other that it turned into fights. Before they reached Magnolia they have destroyed a lot of the train that they were almost kicked out. Thankfully; Lucy, Mira, and Erza's appeal worked that they were allowed to stay.

The train personnel were in tears of joy as the group finally headed out.

Next Chapter: Reminiscence

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