Chapter 39: A Real Princess

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Lucy scrutinized her reflection in the mirror. She looked like her old self. This was how she looked like in their mansion. She remembered a portrait of her mother. Right now she really looked exactly like her graceful mother Layla Heartfilia. It made her miss her mom again and she remembered to keep smiling. That's how her mom would want to see her.

'Mom, today I'm going out to my first official date. I don't know if this would really count as one but since Loke says it's a date then I'd call it one then,' she said in her mind. She looked at the dress again. She really looked like her old self. But this time, now that she's not bound by rules or requirement to wear something as gallant as this; her smiles are real.

Moreover, this dress is different. It is from the spirit world and the design is exceptional, unique, and intricate. The dress is sky blue with diamond and gold like decorations. She wore gloves matching her outfit. Virgo had insisted she wear a crown but Lucy decided it would be too much. Virgo offered blue stilettos instead to match her owners dress. She gave one last glance at the mirror and went out of the room.

''How do I look?'' she asked Loke.

Loke who is conversing with Gray looked up. His heart skipped a beat. Lucy had always been beautiful but as he regarded at her now, he cannot find the word to describe how she looked. He is at a loss for words for the first time in his life. His heart raced and he was tongue-tied. He was captivated. Bewitched. Enchanted. He just gazed at the smiling goddess in front of him. Lucy looked, well, he really does not know what word would be appropriate.

Everyone in the guild looked at Lucy with appreciation then turned to Loke and they almost laughed. His eyes had turned to hearts and had been silent for a while now. He had never lost when it comes to words appreciating women. What's with him now that he just stared at Lucy for what seemed like minutes now?

''Oh, does it look bad?'' Lucy asked and looked around her for confirmation. Mira and the other girls just giggled. She looked at Loke again.

''No, that's not it. It suits you Lucy. You look . . . ugh, y-you look . . . beautiful . . . magnificent . . . superb . . . exquisite,'' Loke stuttered. He really cannot find the best word to describe her.

Gray stifled a laughed. Lucy really looked so beautiful that even Gray himself almost thought of kneeling like a gentleman as if to give respect to a queen or a princess. Remembering how wealthy Lucy's family was, she could really be counted as a princess.

''Just say it directly will you. Don't flatter me. Just tell me if it doesn't look good,'' Lucy said with a pout; misunderstanding his words of praise.

''I'm telling the truth princess. It's just that Lucy, your exquisite beauty is hard to compare to anything. It's the best I've ever seen,'' Loke said and walked towards her.

The other girls reacted at what he said. ''Is he saying she is the most beautiful here? I would not agree,'' some clamored. But of course to someone inlove, you would always see the person you dedicate your heart to, to be the best.

''Here comes more flattery,'' Lucy sighed.

''But it's true. Lucy-san looks like a real princess!'' Asuka beamed with joy.

''You see,'' Loke said with a smile. He's now gaining back his composure. ''There is just a little something that is missing,'' he said and rummaged his pocket. ''Here,'' he placed a huge heart-shaped  diamond necklace around Lucy's neck. It has a golden cord ensemble and in the center of the elegant diamond is a Leo sign . ''Perfect,'' Loke remarked.

The necklace looked spectacular and luxurious. Lucy liked it. But it is such a costly gift she hesitated to accept it. ''Eh? Why are you making me wear this?'' she asked.

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