Chapter 10: Struggle for Control

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Lucy just stayed still. Her eyes were open as Loke kissed her. This is her first time to be kissed. She blushed when she saw Loke's eyes tightly shut as if he really was enjoying this.

When she did not respond, Loke pulled away. Lucy raised an eyebrow and said with a suspicious glare,  "Loke,  is this one of your tricks again?"

Loke smiled weakly. "I wish it is. But no Lucy. This is different." His skin paled again. Pain was evident in his eyes. "Please forgive me Lucy." With those words,  Loke willed himself back to the Celestial World before he really would lose control.

"Loke..." She watched as the Lion vanished in a flash of light. He didn't reappear. Lucy sighed. "I hope  he will be alright," she muttered.

After five minutes though, Loke reappeared.Lucy gasped. Loke's whole body was wrapped in chains. "Why are you chained?  Who did this to you? "  the stellar mage questioned.

He looked up to her and gave a sly smile. "I did. I thought it could stop me from coming back. But at least I've brought the chains with me."

"But why?"

"I don't want to hurt you. I will lose control of myself any moment."

Lucy was touched at how much he cared for her that tears stung her eyes. Suddenly a bright glow of light encased Loke and when it vanished his chains were gone.

Loke stared with wide eyes. "No. No. Lucy, please force my gate close."

Lucy was alerted at the urgency of his voice. She forced his gate close for a couple of times but to no avail. " I-I can't. Somethings wrong." She looked at Loke and he was staring at her intently.

He licked his lips. He drew closer and closer until when his lips were just an inch  away from hers. "Lucy, " he said and cupped her cheeks.

Lucy's eyes grew wide. She could feel his warm breath against her lips as he talked.  His eyes stared at her with longing. She blushed when she realized that the burning gaze in his eyes flickered with need and...... lust. But there was still the hint of pain.

"I won't ask for your forgiveness the second time, " Loke said. "You can hate me forever," and his lips touched hers. It remained there for what seemed like forever and then his lips started to move.

Lucy  felt his warm demanding lips against hers and then suddenly, his tongue came out and licked her lips. He groaned in pleasure and licked her lips with his tongue again.

"Lucy...." he said in a whisper as he claimed her whole lips.

Lucy blinked. He really is enjoying this. 'Of course! He's a flirt after all,' she thought. 'What do you expect?' 

She is still not doing anything to stop him. But Lucy noticed that he was not so pale anymore. His color was slowly returning. She debated on whether to stop him or just let him do what he is doing. She knew now that he is not tricking her. Loke is a flirt but he is still a gentleman and he is not a pervert either. And the pains she saw a while ago were true. She debated  whether to push him away or let him teach her his experience in this matter.

She could smell his breath and his saliva as he licked her lips again. 'It smells good,' she thought. 'Wait! What did I say?' But as she inhaled, she realized she really liked his smell. She looked at his shut eyes and noted that she liked seeing him like this. Savouring and enjoying her. 'Wait,  what was I thinking! Maybe I am drugged too?!'

As Loke continued to kiss her, he groaned again. To his surprise, Lucy closed her eyes. She enjoyed hearing him groan like that and she even thought that she would do anything to make him groan in pleasure again and again. And without realizing it, she had wrapped her arms around Loke's neck and her hands danced with his hair as she kissed him back.

Drugged - Fairy tail Loke x Lucy lemon fanficWhere stories live. Discover now