Chapter 24: Going Back

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The leader of the bandits and the one who shot arrows at Lucy were now in the hands of those who requested for them. However, Lucy could not remember going with the others to get the reward. This was all that she remembered:

After the three were contented of scaring their captives; the celestial lion's turn came.

''Maybe I should erase them from existence? I don't show mercy to those who hurt my love and my master,'' Loke said as if thinking out loud. ''Regu-''

''You don't have to do that!'' Lucy immediately held his arm to stop him. ''We need them for the reward you know.''

Loke smiled. ''Hai! If that's what my master says,'' he said not daring to move as he realized that Lucy's breast was pressed to his biceps. 'Stop! Why is my mind still working like this?' he scolded himself mentally. He removed his arm from her as smoothly as he can so she won't notice and placed it around her waist instead.

Not that he did like her soft breast pressed against him, but it's just too distracting that he has to be more of a gentleman. He is a quite a flirt since he has gotten used to doing it, but more importantly, even before the incident with her previous master Karen; he is a natural feminist. He does not agree with dirty lewd men and so he cannot act in such a way. He believed in loving women, he does not agree on forcing them for lust or pleasure.

''And I already told you it's not like that. You don't have to call me master you know,'' Lucy said.

''Of course princess. I would never forget how you said that you love me. And what I mean when I say that, is of you being the master and owner of my heart.''

Erza froze in envy as she listened to the two converse. She wondered when Jellal would ever be bold enough to say such things to her too.

''Eh? When did I say that?'' Lucy said with a blush not knowing how to cope with this lion in his flirting mode.

''She l-lllikes him!'' Happy blurted as he flapped his wings while circling around them.

''Shut up neko(cat)!'' Lucy yelled crossing her arms.

''Eh? But I saw him in your list of perfect boyfriends. Which means you like him.''

''Of course she does!'' Loke said with pride. ''She's my bride after all.''

''But if I remember it correctly, you're only second,'' Happy continued.

''What!!! There is someone else . . . '' Loke said with tears in his eyes as he sulked. Natsu laughed at him. ''Is it him?'' Loke asked Lucy with gloomy look.

''Eh?'' Happy was about to talk again but Lucy covered his mouth. Everyone even Gray is now curious of who is the other one.

Erza pulled Happy free and said, ''Spit it out.''

''Aye! If I am not mistaken, it's a man with a blue hair who was said to have had legendary powers. It was Seiglein.'' Happy said and suddenly covered his mouth and looked at Erza's direction when he realized what he has said.

Gray and Natsu looked at each other. They pulled Happy and hid behind a tree; afraid that Erza might break out and do something horrible.

''Loke, you and Lucy should better get married as soon as possible.'' Erza said clearing her throat.

''Right. But should I dye my hair blue too. Do I fail to do my duties? Am I too weak in your eyes Lucy?'' Loke said with a tint of jealousy in his voice.

''It's not like that Loke. You're always there when I need you most. Except for a few instances when I nearly got captured by soldiers or when my plans were ruined since you did not appear;'' Lucy said raising her eyebrows as she thought out loud while she recounted.

''Gomenasai. That won't happen again,'' Loke said; kneeling before her and bowing his head several times.

Lucy ignored him as she walked nervously towards Erza. And Loke just watched her open-mouthed.

''She holds grudges,'' Happy whispered loudly.

''I can hear you!'' Lucy looked back.

''When did you do that?'' Natsu and Gray said coming out of their hiding place.

''Once in Edolas - ''

''Huh, that's your prize. Now fight me!'' Natsu said cutting Loke.

''Indeed, that's unpardonable - ''

''So as another punishment. Fight me now!'' Natsu cut him again. Loke sighed and gave Natsu a punch that sent him flying again.

Gray and Loke listened at Lucy's explanation to Erza. ''I do not like Jellal that way. That list was made before I became a member of fairy tail. Moreover, I did not know that time that Jellal and Seiglein are one. I have even thrown that list already. And he was already crossed out too.'' Lucy said with crossed fingers.

Loke felt delighted at what he heard. ''She does not need any list now since I am her one and only,'' he said as if he was not sulking just a while ago.

''It's fine. What makes you think I'm jealous?'' Erza said; although it's quite obvious that she wants Jellal for herself. ''Moreover Jellal already has someone else as a fiancé.'' She continued as an excuse or perhaps to tell Lucy that she has no chances with Jellal.

Erza looked at Lucy then at Loke and said, ''you love him don't you?''

Loke looked at his owner with much anticipation. ''Y-yes,'' Lucy said with uncertainty as she thought that yes is the best answer so Erza would not be jealous of her. It's the truth anyway. She loves all of her spirits. ''Of course I do,'' she continued. Erza smiled contentedly at her and nodded her head.

Loke shined in joy as his eyes turned to hearts. ''Hearing you say that only makes me more inlove with you,'' he said with a smile.

''Way to go man,'' Gray said as he gave him a friendly tap on his shoulders. Lucy sighed. 'As I thought. The problem is, Loke would be more anticipating,' she thought.

''You are a cute couple. I'm excited for your wedding day,'' Erza commented.

''She wants Lucy to get married immediately so she would have no rival,'' Natsu whispered loudly to Happy.

''Are you saying something?'' Erza turned to them.

''No, nothing at all. We're just planning about how to cook fish better,'' Natsu lied.

Loke immediately dashed to Lucy's side and carried her bridal style, ''that reminds me, we'd better leave now and plan for our future.''

''Put me down!'' Lucy yelled at Loke as she tried to wriggle free. This already happened before, Lucy sighed.

''Right. We should be on our way now,'' Erza joined in.

''Stop that princess or you'll fall to the ground. Just sleep while we're on our way to the train station. I know you're tired.'' The lion said, not seeming to be affected by her weight.

''Did Lucy lose weight, how come you can carry her like a doll?'' Natsu said.

''What do you mean, she is as light as usual?'' Loke responded.

''Eh? Really, but she is heavy?'' Natsu and Happy said at once with large eyes.

''Why you?! He just said I'm light!'' Lucy said defensively.

''Hai. See,'' Loke said and tossed her in the air and caught her just as she was about to fall. Lucy hugged him tight in fear that she would hit the ground. Loke smirked in victory. Then Lucy realized that he did it on purpose. She slapped his chest and crossed her arms.

''Put me down!'' she demanded. But Loke could feel that she is exhausted and so he refused to let her walk. She might collapse any moment since she had been using magic continuously.

''He really knows his way around girls,'' Gray said to Erza. And Erza could not help but nod. Even they are actually shocked that they too are tired. They underestimated the number of the bandits. That is what made the mission troublesome.

Next Chapter: At the Train Station

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