Chapter 5: Aquarius Creates a River

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"You dare ignore me...." the monster yelled.

"I will punish you for treating a woman badly. All women should be treated as princesses. Lion Brilliance!"

Lucy almost laughed at Loke's words. 'Since when did he sound like Virgo, ' she thought.

"Aaaah! No. Anything but light!" The beast yelled and Lucy recalled the inscriptions.

"Touch the water and you'll die
Among with your friends you'll drown in ire
Less you'll give enough radiance and fire
Then awaken the land and let the waters cry," she recited.

Finally understanding she smiled, " I see. Nice one, Loke. Continue attacking him. He hates light for some reason."

"As you wish, my love. Lion Brilliance. Regulus Impact."

"NOOOOO!!!!! WATER IS ALL I NEED" The monster cried as he shrinked from his enermous size to a small plant. Then it suddenly vanished into thin air.

"Thank you, Loke. You can go back and rest for now."

"No, I'm fine. I came here using my own power so I won't be draining yours. By the way why are you alone and what is this place?"

"I came with rest of the team. We are on a mission to rescue a family member of the mayor who came hear to look for rare herbs yet never came back. However we fell into a trap and all of them suddenly fell asleep. I am saved by Horologram and Aries. I came here for the water of this spring. It was inscribed on the walls of the pit that it will awaken them."

"You must have been lonely. I should have come sooner. Let me help you with the water thingy." Loke mused and muttered to himself "how could I not come sooner when I felt that she was lonely."

Lucy smiled, "it is not as bad as you think. You came and saved me anyway. I'm grateful for that. Now I think I should call Virgo."

Virgo dug a whole which served as water passage directly from the spring to the pit where the rest of the team are still unconscious. Lucy understood that the brilliance being said was light which would disintigrate the enemy; the first and second line was simply a warning; to awaken the land and let the waters cry meant to let the spring's water flow to the pit.

"The pit is quite far, it might take some time before the water would reach it; Princess. Will you punish me?" Virgo said.

"Thanks Virgo you can go back now. I will summon Aquarius to speed it up." Lucy said as she shivered at what Aquarius might say. However she thought of Aries who needs to go back to the Spirit World. She dipped Aquarius key to the spring and summoned her.

"Lucy," Aquarius frowned at her. "What kind of water is this?" Aquarius gleamed and glow.

"I'm sorry but I really need your help to speed up the flow of the water. Is there something wrong with the water? "


Lucy immediately panicked at Aquarius response.

Aquarius raised her hand and a large wave of water rose from the spring. Lucy gasped then sighed in relief when she realized it is not aimed at her. "This water gives me power .......... and it is communicating to me," Aquarius said and dragged Lucy with her towards the pit which was already filled with water. All the unconcious people at the bottom now floated above.

"Amazing! You are still gleaming with power."

Aquarius sweeped all the people to a higher place. "Lucy, you too go to your friends. I will release this water."

"Wha....what do you mean?"

"It wants to reach the seas. Now get back or I will wash you up too?"

Lucy cowered and immediately obliged. She trusted Aquarius. She watched as the Spirit further glowed. Then the ground suddenly shook and the water in the pit swirled in circles creating a vortex. It is being suck underneath.

Aquarius seemed to be saying something when the ground opened. Aquarius manipulated the waters to flow through the opening. The Celestial spirit stopped and the rumbling of the ground did too. The water continued to flow.

Lucy was too stunned to speak as she realized that Aquarius had actually created a river. 'How could that small spring contain this tons of water,' she thought.

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