☆ Chapter 7: Pancakes ☆

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Hungry? Fionna thought to herself. Now that he mentioned it... she was pretty hungry herself from carrying Marshall all the way back to her treehouse. 

     "What do you want to eat?" Fionna asked quietly, walking towards the kitchen first so that she wouldn't have to look at the half dressed boy. 

     "Anything red."

     "You do know that since you're human you can't eat... colors?"

     "That's nonsense. I've eaten red for the past thousand years of my lifetime. Of course I can eat it." 

     "Okay... you can try." 

Fionna grabbed an apple off one of the tables and tossed it at Marshall. 

     "Enjoy." She grinned and moved to the refrigerator to take out a bottle of milk. 

She set the bottle down on the table next to the stove and turned around to see how Marshall was doing with his "Of course I can eat colors" project. The girl burst out laughing when she saw the look of horror on the former vampire's face as he helplessly gnawed on the fruit. 


     "Wha... why can't I drink the red?"

    "I... ahaHAhahalready... told you thhaahahat you can't eat... colors!" She held onto her stomach with one arm and turned around to support herself on the table with her other arm as she continued to giggle to herself. 

     "That's so bunk..." She heard Marshall hiss angrily.

     "It's just called being human." Fionna replied heartily and reached up to one of the shelves in an attempt to retrieve some pancake mix. 

     "I hope you don't mind pancakes for dinner, but then again... Pancakes are the almighty food that can be good for breakfast, lunch, and dinner." She continued to say, now stretching her arm and standing on her tiptoes. 

     "Lemme help you with that." Fionna could suddenly feel the warmth of Marshall's breath gently kiss the back of her neck. 

Frozen in place, Fionna waited as Marshall reached up and grabbed the box of mix with ease. She could feel his chest brush against her back as he did so, causing her cheeks to heat up once more. (It was a trend she was starting to notice whenever she was with Marshall, and she didn't particularly enjoy it. )

     "Here you go." He set the box down next to the bottle of milk and moved away. 

Letting out a sigh of relief, Fionna slowly proceeded to grab the box. 

     "Wait." Marshall suddenly said and grabbed a hold of her wrist. 

     "Wh-What is it now?"

     "Let me make the pancakes." 

Fionna turned so she could look at Marshall. His eyebrows were drawn together as he looked into her eyes. 

     "I'm probably going to have to stay at your place since my house it pretty far away until we figure out what's happened to me... so I better start being useful before you kick me out." 

She could feel her lips curl up into a small smile and gave him a slight nod.

     "Alright, sounds like a good deal. While you make these pancakes I'm going to go change."

After leaving Marshall to his own shenanigans, Fionna made her way to her room to grab her pajamas before heading to the bathroom. 

No longer fearing that Marshall could easily sneak up on her while she was showering and knowing that he was probably very preoccupied with making the pancakes, Fionna quickly undressed and proceeded to start her shower. 

Thank Glob he offered to make the pancakes too because she personally sucked at cooking. It was the reason why Cake always made the two of them food and also probably why she was so clumsy when she went over the Marshall's place to bake... cookies. 


Fionna soon felt her face light up again while the warm water continued to pelt her body. She brought her fingers up to her lips, the lips she had used to kiss Marshall as a way of saying thanks. 

Why had she kissed him? Was is that necessary? And why hadn't Marshall said anything about it yet?

     "Ugh... Stupid emotions." She muttered to herself before finishing up her shower. 

In the meantime, Marshall had indeed kept himself occupied with making pancakes. Despite not needing to eat when he was a vampire, the male proved to be quite the cook. And considering how a majority of his friends all ate food, there were some days in which Marshall spent time learning how to make certain dishes just for his friends. So despite contrary belief, he wasn't all that bad of a guy. 

     "How's it coming along?" Fionna's light-hearted voice filled the silent treefort as she walked into the kitchen. 

     "Just about done. All that's left is to eat it." Marshall replied and turned around to meet the girl with a plate of pancakes. 

Fionna grinned at the sight of Marshall with a plate of pancakes in one hand and a spatula in the other; though she still couldn't help but slightly blush at the fact that he was still shirtless. 

After taking the stack of pancakes and a few eating utensils to the living room table, Fionna sat down and began to eat. 

     "Wowcowchow! This is really delicious!" She swallowed her bite and looked up at Marshall with amazement. 

He simply replied with a chuckle when she continued to eat, this time with fervor. It turned out that she was much hungrier than she had anticipated. 

     "O-Oh! Uhm... Haha... sorry, I didn't even think about what you were going to eat before I started eating." Fionna set down her fork and knife sheepishly before she slid off the couch. 

     "Here... take a seat. You didn't happen to make... more did you?" She shifted her weight from one leg to the other as she watched Marshall sit down. 

     "It's cool. I made enough for the both of us." His eyes quickly flickered down to the plate before looking back up with a slight smile perched on his lips.

     "There was like, twelve pancakes on this plate and I'm pretty impressed that you managed to eat seven of them."

     "They were just good pancakes, okay? Besides, I got a workout today when I carried you all the way back from the Forest of Trees."  Fionna blushed and stuck out her tongue in a teasing manner. 

     "Anyways... I'm going to go find some clothes you can wear. I'm sure there'll be something  that's your size in all the loot Cake and I have gathered." 

She turned around and was just about to further descend the treefort before Marshall called for her again.

     "It's fine, Fi. I can just wash my clothes and re-wear them. But I'll have to leave them out to dry so I hope you don't mind me sleeping with nothing on."

Fionna's face turned a bright red in a matter of seconds at his suggestion. Just the thought of it made the girl feel jittery. 

     "N-No, it's fine. I'm sure... I'm positive I'll find something for you to wear."

     "Alright, whatever you say. But if you want me sleeping without anything just let me know." Marshall chuckled in response.

Fionna, with her face beet red at this point, balled her hands up into two fists and left for the treasure room without any further comment. 

Marshall chuckled again and began to eat the pancakes with the same fork Fionna had used before.

It didn't taste as bad as he thought it would. Though nothing could compare to the savory taste of red, especially the vibrant shade that seemed to constantly paint Fionna's cheeks whenever he was around her. 

✿✿✿ Author's Note ✿✿✿

Art by fangcovenly.tumblr.com

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