Grey And Brown, The Seventies

118 11 1

Emma's POV

When we arrived in Sheffield, I was ushered out of my bunk by an excited Kyle. I sighed and jumped down. Apparently there was something planned for today. I had hoped to get more sleep today after last night. There was a dull pain at the back of my skull, but that could probably be fixed with an ibuprofen or two.

I got dressed, grabbed my purse, and met everyone outside of the bus. It appeared that half of the group had already left, including Dan. The few people that were left included Lane, Arthur, Will, and Woody. I stood next to Lane as everyone stopped milling around.

"Awesome, Emma's here we can get going," Woody said and the group started walking away from the tour busses.

We walked for a bit before I asked where we were going. "That's for us to know and for you to find out," Will said, winking at me. I sighed and kept following the guys. They talked as they walked, sometimes trying to include me, but stopped when I would give one word answers.

Instead of complaining, I walked slowly, dragging my feet against the pavement. I would rather be in that uncomfortable bunk than be out here walking. Every few seconds I'd sigh. This was not my idea of a fun day off. At all. I don't even want to know what they have planned.

"Are you going to walk faster or do we have to carry you?" Lane asked me and I sighed yet again.

"Sorry. It's just I didn't want to spend today wandering the city," I apologized.

"Well you're not gonna mope in your bunk when you could be having this fun day that's already been planned." Lane hung his arm around my shoulders, making me sink lower to the ground.

"I wasn't going to mo-"

"Yeah, you were. If you don't recall, I know you pretty well," Lane interrupted. "It's not much further. You'll live."

We walked another two blocks before stopping at a small, vintage-clothing shop. I looked at the guys as they ushered me into the shop. "You've got ten minutes to pick a dress and get changed," Will said, pressing me further into the store.

I panicked and rushed further into the shop, still having no idea what was going on. As I walked, I kept a watch for darker colored dresses. There was a bunch of simple and brightly colored dresses. Every so often, there would be a navy blue or black dress. I grabbed three dresses, two dark blue dresses and one soft pink one, and headed to the dressing rooms with all the guys trailing slowly behind me.

I tried the pink one on first. It fit weird and I was just as pale as the dress.

"Come out and show us!" Arthur called. I groaned and pushed open the door.

After I spun in a circle, there was a communal 'no' to the dress. I went back into the stall and changed into the first blue dress. There was still one dress that I was saving for last. But this dress splayed out at the waist and stopped just below my knees. It was snug in the bust, but it looked good.

Once again, I showed all the guys. They all liked it, but wanted to see the last dress too, so I changed again.

The final dress was more modern. There were buttons trailing down the top half of the dress. Just above the bust, the fabric was mesh-like and see through. The skirt ended right above my knees and flowed with every move I made. It was slightly reminiscent of the seventies. I was in love with this dress.

"What's taking so long?" Woody asked, seemingly getting impatient.

When I walked out of the stall the guys all smiled. "It's perfect. You're getting this one," Lane said, taking me by the hand and spinning me.

I looked at the tag that hung from the sleeve. Two-hundred and ninety-seven pounds. "Guys, I don't have the money to buy this."

"That's the thing. You're not buying it." Will said. "We've got this one."

I shook my head. "No, no, no. You're not going to do that for me."

"Oh, but we are."

I kept shaking my head. They're too nice and I don't deserve it. I'm becoming a burden to them. Lane untied the tag from the sleeve and walked it over to the counter. I watched as he payed for the dress. My stomach sank when I saw him use a credit card, probably meaning it was coming out of his own saved money.

After Lane had paid for the dress, I shoved my clothes into my purse and followed the guys to wherever we were going next. I didn't say anything, still upset over Lane buying the dress for me. The guys chatted, but mentioned nothing about today. Lane and Arthur walked on either side of me, keeping up a conversation.

I'm certain we were just wandering the city with no actual destination. But I was apparently wrong. The guys had led me to a park.

"We're early. By like, a lot," Arthur said, sitting on a bench.

"Early for what?" I asked sitting next to him.

"It's a surprise!"

I sighed for the thousandth time that day. I pulled my phone out of my bag and unlocked it. After a minute of blankly staring at the home page, I opened Instagram. I absentmindedly scrolled down the dashboard. After a bit of scrolling, I found myself looking at a picture that had posted last night. By Dan.

There was two pictures put together of Dan and I when we were younger along with a more recent one. My heart ached seeing the two pictures. I longed for what we had not that long ago. Too bad I threw it all away when I swore at him. He forgave me as I forgave him, but I still caused some damage to our relationship. I scrolled a bit more to read the caption.

'I love you to the moon and back.'

Everything around me stopped.

I reread the caption a million times. He doesn't hate me. Dan doesn't hate me.

"Emma, let's go," Will said, offering his hand to pull me off the bench. I grasped his hand and walked next to him to the final destination, hopefully.

We walked into a quieter part of the park. It was peaceful and almost cinematic looking. We followed a little dirt path that was surrounded by trees. It was a silent walk to this last place.

When we started to reach the end of the path, the trees opened up a bit to reveal a large open space. In the open space was an elaborate set up for a picnic. And in the direct center the boy who held my heart, Dan Smith.


I really loved writing this one!! Things will finally be resolved for the Swiths. 

I have my drivers test in two days and I'm soooo scared!!! It's irrational at this point cause I'm a good driver, but I dunno.


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