It Only Matters If We Care Now

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"We're home!" Kyle screeched as London comes into sight. Everything had gone smoothly and now we had a week and a half to relax and enjoy not touring.

I pressed my head into Dan's neck, finding comfort. I had barely said a word on the way home, mainly due to having fallen asleep on Dan in the first ten minutes of the ride. Dan tightened his grip on my arm, pressing me closer to him. I couldn't wait to get off of the bus and sleep in a real bed and eat home cooked food. Even if we were only home for a week, it will be well spent.

"Emma, it's time to get up," Dan whispered into my ear.

I pulled away from Dan, giving him a soft smile. Dan returned the gesture before standing up to grab his bags. Everybody was scrambling around the bus trying not to forget anything, even though we had cleaned the bus before leaving the last venue.

The mess that is Bastille settled down as we reached Dan's building. Being the last ones picked up, meant first ones off. My hand intertwined into Dan's perfectly before we started to unload the tour bus. We parted quickly, without a big fuss, and went to move all of our stuff into the flat.

An elevator ride later and and we both collapsed into heaps on the couch. It felt rewarding to be home. All of the hype of tour was gone and was replaced with an excitement to sleep in a real bed.

I nudge Dan with my foot, trying to get his attention. After a few more nudges he groans, finally acknowledging that I need attention.

"Come're," Dan says, opening his arms. I shift myself into Dan's side, wrapping my arms around his torso. The warmth of Dan's skin was comforting in the chilled flat.

The purity of being in Dan's arms was like nothing else. I placed kisses along Dan's collar bone, until I reached his sweet spot. We were finally doing something that we actively avoided on tour. Dan's hands found my waist as he pulled me against him. I slung my arms around Dan's neck and pulled him in for a kiss. 

All the passions of tour flowed through that kiss. Anything we had held against one another didn't exist anymore. Pure love resonated around us and through us. 

A fresh start. That's all I needed.

I grinned as I pulled away from the kiss. Dan's ocean blue eyes were all that I saw, all that I ever wanted to see.

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