See The Despair Behind Their Eyes

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Dan's POV

"What happened with Emma tonight? You're the only person who would actually know," Will asked Lane.

"Well, when she got off stage, she was crying. I didn't know if it was one of her headaches or if something had happened onstage. Annie held us off from checking on her, probably because Emma always asks for space anyways, but I was concerned so I followed her to the bathroom. Annie still held me off for a few minutes, but I couldn't take it. I was scared she would pass out or have an anxiety attack.

"When Annie finally let me check on her, Emma was on the floor hyperventilating, crying, and holding her head. I gave her ibuprofen and helped her calm down enough to take them. Then I carried her back to the green room before getting ready for Pompeii," Lane explained slowly.

It was hard to listen to the truth. I knew something wasn't right when she got on stage, but I didn't see her crying or really sad. The only thing I knew for sure, was that she faked her smile. Emma doesn't do that when performing, she's always genuine when she performs for others.

It's my fault. I've made her feel like shit these past few days and I've been quiet towards her. I caused her headaches and an episode tonight. I felt sick to my stomach thinking off all the ways I caused this.

"She told me it wasn't serious and that she just felt light headed," Dick said more to himself than anyone here.

Everyone looked unsettled. Emma was like family to us and she shouldn't be having these headaches. It hurt worse that she didn't tell me before we started the song or when she left the stage.

"It's my fault," I whispered.

"Don't be hard on yourself, Smith," Kyle said, resting his hand on my shoulder.

"No, it is my fault!" I yelled. "I've been horrible to her. We haven't spoken since we got on the busses this morning and before that she yelled at me, which is completely fine, I deserved it. But now, I've been a shit boyfriend and best friend to her by avoiding her and not even attempting to make things completely right between us!" I ranted.

"Dan, you couldn't have known what was happening when she left. You were onstage and she was backstage," Woody reasoned. I kept my mouth shut after that.

I ran my hand through my hair. I cause her more trouble than I'm worth. She deserves someone who can be there and knows what they're doing, like Will or Lane. She seems to trust them more anyways.

"What I need to know is, if she's okay to perform. Emma told me if she needed to miss a performance you guys would still be able to perform," Dick told us. "Should we take her to a hospital?"

Lane shook his head, shocking me. "No. At least not yet. Emma's tough and won't go until she thinks it will really affect her performance. She knows what she's doing."

"I told her we'd get her a check up sooner rather than later to make sure she's okay," Will added.

How were all of them one step ahead of me? Emma was my girlfriend, not theirs. I felt a twinge of guilt and anger in my chest. Emma didn't trust me.

"Let's talk to her tomorrow before deciding anything," Dick decided and we left it at that. "We've got to get going."

Lane left and we got back on the road. The guys were all on their phones, my phone was in my bunk and I didn't really want to wake Emma, so I bothered Kyle into getting it for me.

"You'll have to face her one day mate," he said, handing me my phone. I nodded and unlocked it.

I tried to distract myself by texting my mom. I told her about Emma and I, hoping for some advice. My mom was always trying to give advice, usually unwanted advice, but this time I needed it. I wanted things to be okay between Emma and I.

While waiting for her to respond, I found myself on Twitter. There were so many mentions in my notifications. More than normal, even for a concert night. I opened some to see what it was all about.

What's going on with the Swiths?

Why was Emma crying at the end of These Streets?!?!

They're broken up! I'm not okay!!! #no

What about Will and Emma? What's all that about?!

Some were more malicious than others. They put Emma down, swearing at her just because 'she broke up with me for Will,' which was completely false. Other tweets had pictures from the other nights gig, the pre-show pictures, and from tonight's performance. One of the pictures, from the end of These Streets, clearly showed tears in Em's eyes.

I felt sick reading and just looking at these. Kyle must've noticed and grabbed the phone out of my hands. I reached for it, but was pushed back.

"Ignore these. They aren't important," Kyle scolded me.

"What if Emma's seen them? What about when she sees them? She'll flip! Kyle, I can't keep her safe from these!" I said, grabbing my phone from him.

"Chill out, Dan. There's not much we can do. Post a cute picture of you two and try to override the bad stuff," Kyle offered.

My phone buzzed with a text from my mom.

The best advice I can give you is to check in on her. Talk to her. Make sure she's okay and if she's not, make her okay. And everyone has their secrets, if anything it was to keep you happy. Emma cares about you so much. She always has. If I'm correct, you have tomorrow off. Spend the day with her, watch a movie or something. But tonight, post these pictures to surprise her when she wakes up. Tell her hi for me

Attached to the text was two pictures. One from when we were little at a fake lemonade stand that was set up in a park we used to go to a lot. My mom had to bribe us with ice cream for us to take a nice picture. I smiled at the small photo, tear stinging my eyes at the old memory.

The other photo was from this spring that a friend had taken and was later sent to my mom. I had my forehead pressed to Emma's in an attempt to make her laugh for a game. They had managed to catch the exact moment Emma smiled.

After putting the pictures next to each other, I posted them to Instagram, writing 'I love you to the moon and back.'

Once it posted, I shut my phone off and said goodnight to the guys. When I got to the bunks, I looked into Emma's bunk. She was curled up in her blanket, still wearing her glasses. I slipped them off and set them next to her pillow.

"I'm so, so sorry Emma. I love you," I whispered before kissing her forehead and crawling into my bunk.

I laid awake for a while thinking about what I could do to make it up to her. I thought of the greatest idea before drifting off.


This was hard to write just because I haven't written from Dan's POV in a while. Plus, I had planned to write this as Emma eavesdropping but I felt like there was more to offer by writing it in Dan's POV.


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