Brought Right Back

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I followed Dan as he lead us towards the bus. The cool air made us walk faster than we probably would have if it was warmer out. Once we were safely in the bus, Dan lead me towards the back of the bus. I grabbed a few blankets from my bunk and hurried after Dan.

When I got to the back, Dan was placing a disc into the DVD player. I sat on the couch and arranged the blankets, leaving a side up so Dan could slip under them. Dan sat down next to me and I moved closer to him.

"Which one did you pick?" I asked, resting my head on Dan's shoulder.

"The Breakfast Club," Dan answered, putting his arm around my shoulders.

I laughed, "Of course you did."

Throughout the entire film, kisses were being pressed against cheeks, necks, collar bones, and lips. Neither one of us paid much attention to the tv as it droned the movie. We were decently half-way through the movie before I ended up on Dan's lap. Our tongues danced around each other's as we made out.

I gently nipped at Dan's lip, softly sucking it into my mouth. Dan moaned as I worked on his lip. I felt Dan's hands work their way down my back, massaging as they went. His hands stopped at my lower back, letting his fingers find the two dimples that were in my lower back.

My hands lingered on Dan's chest as they traced small circles across his collar bone. Dan pressed soft kisses down my neck, leaving a trail of damp marks. I tilted my head down to catch Dan's lips against mine. I was fueled with passion and a bit of lust for the beautiful man as we kissed. I let my hands roam slightly lower towards his stomach, dragging my fingernails slightly.

Dan's phone rang, startling me into pulling away. I blushed as I readjusted myself on Dan, brushing against his erection. I looked up and saw Dan's face turning bright pink. I turned away as Dan answered his phone, trying to save us from any more of the awkward sexual tension that had already formed.

"Yeah... Okay... That's fine. We'll be there soon," Dan spoke softly into the receiver. Dan sighed before gently kissing my forehead. "The guys forgot to invite us to dinner and are now insisting that we have to go."

"That's alright, we should probably eat before the concert anyways," I said, looking at Dan. A frown was etched onto his face.

He leant his head down into the crook of my neck. "I don't want to go. I want to spend time with you." I rested my head atop his.

"Then let's not go."

Dan snapped his head up, nearly hitting me in the jaw. His eyes were wide with shock. "But we can't just not after I said we would."

"Dan, we don't have to go. We can just go get some takeout and come back to the bus. It's not a big deal if we eat with the guys or not."

"Alright then. I'll let you call Kyle and I'll find a place."

I grabbed Dan's hand as we did our tasks. Both of us enamored into our phones. I searched for Kyle's contact in the K's before remembering he switched it to Catman. The phone rang twice before it was answered.

"Emma! Where are you guys? It shouldn't have taken you guys long to find this place. It's so cool here," Kyle rambled.

"Uh, about that. We're not coming tonight. We-"

"What do you mean you're not coming?! Emmmmaaa!" Kyle interrupted, complaining.

"Kyle, we made other plans for the night. We can go out tomorrow night, I promise," I reason.

"Fine. You two owe me," Kyle huffs.

"That's fair enough. Bye Kyle, have fun at dinner!"

"C'ya woodsy," Kyle called before hanging up.

I looked over at Dan who was patiently waiting for me to finish. "I found a small cafe instead of takeout. I hope that's alright."

I smile at Dan. "It's perfect."

Dan pulled me off the couch and we walked towards the front of the bus. I grabbed a jacket and attempted to put it on, getting stuck in one of  the arms.

"Daniel," I whined. "Help me."

Dan grabbed my jacket and guided it gently onto my arms. I smiled up at Dan, grabbing his hand again. "Thank you," I said, kissing him chastely.

"You're welcome. Let's see if we can find this place," Dan said, tugging me out of the bus.

Hand in hand, we strolled towards where we thought the cafe was. Even though it was cold outside, I felt warmth whenever I was with Dan. He was practically a hot water bottle, which I had a great appreciation for.

After another three blocks of walking, we finally managed to find the cafe. It looked modern, with small booths, fancy lighting, and a brown and grey theme. A waitress lead us to a small table and handed us menus before walking off to another table. I slipped my hand into Dan's after I had glanced at the menu.

"I'm really glad you came with," Dan said, not looking up from his menu.


Dan lifted his eyes to meet mine. "Of course. It was never fun only getting to see you at whatever gigs were closest to you."

I nodded. "I always missed seeing you. Although, those late night skypes were pretty fun," I smiled, remembering the several chats we had.

Dan laughed. It was cute, how his nose crinkled and his eyes shut. "I have to agree. I'm not sure I'll ever forget about those."

"Remember when Kyle took your laptop and locked you out of the bathroom just to talk to me?" I laughed remembering. Kyle had gotten mad that Dan never told him when we were skyping that he never got to talk to me, so he just took the computer to the small bathroom on the bus.

"Of course I remember! I banged on the bloody door for ten minutes!" Dan laughed.

"It's nice not having to skype you anymore," I said, squeezing his hand.

"Yeah, it is." Dan smiled.

Happy Holidays Stormers!!

I took a long time preparing chapters because I want content that doesn't suck and I want to be consistent.

I'll get another update in before 2016 but I wanted to thank you all for staying with me these past couple years. Much love and appreciation.


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