You Will Live Forever

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"You're so special to me Emma," Dan said, feeding me a grape. I laughed, causing me to choke.

"That was completely out of the blue Danny," I said, still coughing. "You're pretty special to me, too."

Dan smiled as he leant over to press a sweet kiss to my lips. His warm hand cupped my cheek. I savored every second of his warm lips pressed against mine. The softness of his lips was incomparable to any other. My heart was practically pounding through my chest. Happiness flowed through me.

My phone rang, interrupting our kiss. I groaned as I moved to turn it off. The kiss was so amazing. Hate burned towards the person who interrupted.

Incoming Call: Mother

I groaned again and answered it. "Hello mum."

"Emma! I thought you were coming home this weekend. Allen, Joseph, and Meredith are only here for a few more days. When are you going to be home?" My mother asked.

I sighed before answering her, "I'm not coming home mum. We never actually set a date and I can't come home because I'm nowhere near home. I'm in Sheffield and tomorrow we're going to," I looked at Dan, hoping he knew where we'd be.

"Nottingham," Dan told me.

"Nottingham," I repeated. "I'm sorry mum."

Now it was my mothers turn to sigh. "It's alright Emma." There was a pause on the other end. "Oh, Allen wants to talk to you. I'll talk to you later Emma."

My mothers voice was replaced with a younger, manlier voice. "Still being a disappointment I see," Allen sneered. "It's very un-daughterly-like to not co-"

I hung up and shut my phone off. "Can we just continue our nice day without talking about that?"

Dan nodded, "Sounds like a plan."

I kissed Dan's cheek. "Thank you," I whispered. 

"Don't worry about it," Dan said, guiding me into his lap. 

Silence filled the air. I felt safe with Dan's arms wrapped around me. If I could, I'd spend forever here. Maybe even longer. My entirety felt valid here. I had my best friend back and I couldn't be more pleased. My chest swelled at the thought of having Dan back.

Seconds dragged by and neither of us moved. I leant back and watched Dan. He smiled softly at me and I returned it. From the corner of my eye, I spotted the daisies. My eyes flicked back between the daisies and Dan. 

I moved away from Dan and grabbed the bouquet. I re-situated myself beside Dan and positioned his head facing away from me. Slowly, I started weaving the daisies into Dan's hair. 

"Go stand by the tree," I told Dan, once his hair was full of daisies. He did as I said, and sauntered over to the tree and I waited for my phone to turn on. I probably took a hundred photos of my boyfriend and almost died when I looked at them. Dan was gorgeous. And I told him just that.

"No. No, I'm not. You on the other hand," Dan flustered. His cheeks burned red as he tried to pass off my compliment. 

After flipping through the pictures, I picked a favorite. When I had taken the photo, Dan was sitting on the ground and he had looked up at me right when I took it. I gave my phone to Dan to show him the photo. 

"Can I share this one?" I asked as he handed me back my phone. 

"Yeah, sure," Dan said, still slightly embarrassed. "What are you captioning it?"

I racked my mind, trying to remember a quote about daisies. "Because who would pick a daisy in a field of roses? I would."

"It's perfect," Dan told me. 

I posted the picture and pocketed my phone. "We're perfect."

Dan laughed, "I wouldn't go that far."

"Fine, we're great," I resolved. I looked up at the sky, noticing how dark it was getting. "And we should probably be getting back. You do know how to get back right?"

Dan nodded, laughing. "Of course I know how to get back."

I watched as Dan packed up the blanket and the iPod dock. I grabbed what was left of the daisies and waited for Dan to be ready. Once everything was ready to go, I placed my hand in Dan's and we started the walk back to the bus.

"It wasn't horrible was it?" Dan asked.


"The date. Was it alright?"

I smiled at Dan. "It was wonderful. Thank you." I squeezed his hand.

Dan let out a sigh of relief. "You're very welcome. It'll be nice to have you on our bus. The guys are getting to be out of hand."

I giggled and leaned into Dan's shoulder. "They can't be that bad," I said.

"Trust me. They're worse than bad, they're bloody horrific!" Dan exclaimed. "Or at least Kyle and Woody are. 

We joked about the rest of our friends until we got back. The sun had set and artificial light polluted the sky, making it impossible to see the stars. Dan held the door to the bus open for me and followed me up the steps. We barely made it three steps into the living area before being bombarded with questions. 

"Guys, one at a time!" I yelled over the noise. 

"How was it?" Will asked nonchalantly from the couch. He, unlike the others, was calm and collected.

I smiled at him. "It was wonderful." Dan kissed the side of my head.

After many, many more questions, I decided it was time to get out of this dress and get some sleep. I was passed around the group, giving hugs and saying goodnights. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a tee shirt and headed to the bathroom. Once I was changed, I headed to my bunk and turned my phone on. 

I had messages from Matty and Annie. I messaged Annie first, telling her about my day. Then I texted Matty. As I waited for replies to come in, I settled into my bunk. I dug through my bag looking for the cigarette case. It had become a comfort item for me.

Hey E. I was just letting you know that I put up our cover. Talk to you later


I sighed and plugged my phone in. I never wanted this day to end. 

But all good things must come to an end.


I'm sorry about it being a week late but I just wasn't functioning with school starting and all. It's hard to find time to write and I wish I could just write all the time!

For those of you in school; how's it going? Do you like your classes? Keep up good grades and don't let the other people get to you!! -With love, Emma


The UnexpectedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant