All Apologies

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I feel so horrible about this story. I think of it so often and then when I come to write it, I just hit a wall. I've tried so hard to put my words onto the page and nothing comes out the way I want. I loved the ideas I had when I started this sequel. I knew what was going to happen and how it was going to happen and now it's all getting lost in translation.

Inside me there is a desire, a need to write this story, to add on to the wonderful story I've already written. But there's also a part of me that makes me question why I'm doing it and I can simply say that I don't know why, but it feels good. I like knowing that I've written a story that has 9 thousand reads and counting.

The thing is, I want all my readers to know that I will finish this story. I won't let my demons keep me from it. I will break down that wall and I will continue with this. I won't let myself down and I won't let you guys down either.


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