Our Fingers Traced In Circles

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"Emma! Help me carry this amp," Dan yelled, trying to carry a decently large amp across the stage.

I groaned and crawled up onto the stage from where I was chatting with Annie. Things were finally getting normal on the tour. The last five shows had been amazing. Our fanbase was growing, along with our new friends. There was about twelve more gigs before the final show. The Manchester show was in about six shows, so only a few weeks until I get to see Matty. I think we've been on your long enough that I don't even know how to count days anymore.

Once all the sound equipment had been put up, Dan grasped my hand and pulled me backstage to a dressing room labeled Bastille. Dan closed and locked the door after I had stepped a few feet into the room.

I turned at the sound of the lock just to be embraced tightly by Dan. I threw my arms around his waist as he held my head to his chest. We stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity.

"I've missed you. We've been together, but we haven't been together," Dan tried to explain.

I nodded into his chest. "We've only been around each other."

"After this gig, we have a week or two to go home and recuperate for a bit. All I want to do is spend it with you."

"It'll be nice to be back in London. I've missed it," I breathed out.

Dan hugged me tighter before letting go. Dan walked over and say down on the small couch that was in the room. I followed him over and draped myself across the couch, laying my head in his lap. I closed my eyes and settled in. Dan's fingers intertwined themselves in my long hair. My hair was almost to my waist, meaning I would need a haircut soon.

I sighed, relishing in the soft bliss brought by Dan messing with my hair. Everything was calm, not even pre-concert nerves could bother me. There was a peaceful aura filling the room.

"Danny boy?"

"Hmm?" Dan hummed back, still stroking my hair.

"I just want you to know that I love you," I said softly.

"Why?" Dan asked. "Why do you love me?"

I thought. There were so many reasons, but I couldn't think of how to put them into words and sentences. "I love you because you are you. You are pessimistic towards yourself, yet you are the most positive person when it comes to others. You have a love for the arts that not many have. I love you because you have helped me find myself." I paused, the sound of us breathing immediately filling the space. "Most importantly, I love you because I truly can't help it. When I'm with you, I feel so secure and happy, and the only plausible reason I'd feel like that is because of you. You're a ray of sunshine in my cloudy London."

Once I had closed my mouth, Dan leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips. There was sweetness is the gesture. The entire world melted away as we locked lips. All my thoughts orbited around Dan. His musky scent, his chapped lips, even the lights brush of his hair against my forehead.

When Dan pulled away, a lopsided smile graced his handsome face. The edges of my lips turned upwards.

"You are so beautiful and talented. I'm proud to call you mine," Dan said before planting a small kiss on my lips.

I sat up, moving into a position that made it easier to hug my Danny Boy. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I buried my face in the crook of his neck. Dan's lanky arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me tighter to him.

Neither of us uttered a word, nor did we move. Dan's breath tickled the nape of my neck. I couldn't help but think of where we would be in a few years time. Would we get married? Would we move into one flat? Or a house? What if we had kids? I've never been one for children, but who knows. If we did, they would be the cutest kids ever. Although, I'm leaning towards us getting a cat instead of a baby. Kyle would certainly like that.

"Emma," Dan whispered in my ear.

"Hmm?" I murmured into Dan's neck.

"Penny for your thoughts."

"I'm just thinking about where we'll be in the future," I answered truthfully.

"And where's that?" Dan pressed. His fingers trailed up and down against the outline of my spine.

"I dunno. There's just so many places we could be that it's hard to set a goal. I'm quite happy with where we are."

"Me too. Although sometimes I think we'll end up in one place, but we end somewhere completely different, and it's usually better for us." Dan pressed his head against mine.

I let out a blissful sigh. There was something special with the bond we had formed over the past several years. It was something I didn't want to lose. My first and longest friend was still the guy I loved the most.

"I love you a lot, Daniel," I spoke softly.

"I just might love you more," Dan said back.

"Not possible."

We continued to whisper sweet nothings at each other. Our hands roamed as if to memorize every piece of each other. The rose tinted lights added to the loving aesthetic that had been created.

"Danny," I whispered, trying to get Dan's attention from where it was locked on twirling a strand of my hair. "Danny," I try again.

"Hmm?" Dan's stormy blue eyes meet mine. I drowned in his eyes every time he looked at me.

"What do you want to do when we go home?"

Dan stared softly at me before answering. "Well, I suppose we should go and see Clara. If the weathers nice, we could go for a walk. Let's listen to records twenty-four seven."

"I like that. Why don't we have a couple of our mates and family over? Host a get together. It's been a long time since I've seen some of them," I proposed.

Dan nodded. "Whatever you'd like."

Lol whoops


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