Hope You're Alright

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Soundcheck started off slow, with no help from the guys of Bastille messing around and hiding instruments and equipment. Finally Dick had had enough and sent them away so we could finish our sound check. As I plugged my guitar back in, I noticed one of the boys still had my guitar pick. It was the only one I had brought to the stage and I wasn't about to use my fingers.

"Boys?" I said into the microphone, addressing the group of men who had gathered just off stage. "Which one of you pricks has my guitar pick? Cough it up now and there'll be no consequences," I threatened, while smiling sweetly.

Dan ran over with my guitar pick in hand. "Sorry, love. I forgot I had it." Dan kissed my cheek before running back to his group.

Now that I had my guitar pick, we started the soundcheck. With Bastille out of the way, we sailed through the soundcheck. Nothing seemed terribly off, so we finished quickly. We ran through our opener and a bit of a few other songs.

Just before we left the stage, I grabbed the pedals from Dan and Kyle's keyboards, stuffing them into my bag. Thankfully, the boys were all backstage so I didn't have to worry about them seeing me take them.

When we switched places with the guys, I caught a moment with Dan. "When you're done, let's do something," I said before kissing him softly and quickly. "Now go before you're late." I pushed Dan towards the stage and walked backstage.

"I'm going out for coffee, anybody want to come with?" I asked my friends, taking the pedals out of my bag. They snickered as I set the pedals on the ground, lightening up my bag.

"I could definitely use a coffee," Lane said, linking his arm with mine.

"We're good. Thanks for the offer though," Annie said, side hugging Finn.

Arthur shrugged and linked his arm onto my open arm. "Let's go," Arthur said, dragging us forwards to the door.

We walked to the closest cafe, which was not-so-conveniently located twelve-some blocks away. Once inside, Lane had Arthur and I sit at a table as he was going to get us drinks. Arthur protested, as per usual, but Lane wouldn't budge, as per usual. I shrugged and found a table for us by a window.

Not many people were walking past, granted it wasn't very nice out. Storm clouds filtered through the sky, slowly edging to the east. I hoped it would hold off on the rain until we're back at the venue. As much as I love rain, I don't like walking through it.

It didn't take long before Arthur was seated beside me. He looked defeated as he slumped in his chair.

"Don't worry about it, Arthur. One day he'll let you pay, but I say take advantage of it. It's free coffee, how can you possible say no?" I leant back in my chair and looked out the window.

Arthur sighed and slumped in his seat as we waited for Lane and our coffees. "I guess you're right. Hey, could I announce tonight? You always have so much pep and it seems fun," Arthur looked at me expectantly.

I nodded, "Go for it."

Lane strolled over with our coffees carefully balanced in his hands. "Carmel machiatto for Emma," Lane placed the drink in front of me. "Latte for Arthur," Lane placed Arthurs drink in front of him. "And a black coffee for me."

"Thank you, Lane," I say, while stirring my drink. I hear Arthur mumble his thanks.

"No problem. Hey, can I announce tonight?" Lane gave me puppydog eyes. It was so hard to tell him Arthur was doing it.

Arthur waved his hands at Lane, "I'm doing it! I already asked!"

I let the boys argue over it for a while. When they started to get loud I intervened. "Guys, that's enough. Arthur's doing it tonight. Lane you can do it tomorrow. End of discussion."

I went back to my coffee and so did the boys. I enjoyed the soft buzz the coffee gave me and the quiet hum of the cafe.

"Hey, Emma," Arthur said, catching my attention.


"Are you really sure you're okay to perform? I know you've said you can power through it, but we worry about you, we can't help it."

I sat in a bout of shock. I was expecting a question, but not that kind of question. "I-I, I think I'm gonna be alright."

"Dick said even if you can't perform we'd still have to go without you. It's not the same without you, Em. We need you at the top of your game," Arthur grabbed my hand, squeezing gently. "If you don't feel good, you can't force yourself to do something. Can you let one of us know, so we can be prepared if something happens onstage?"

I nodded. "Yeah, yeah okay. I'll make sure one of you know, I promise." This promise, I mean. It feels honest. I didn't realize they were so worried for me. I figured they'd go on just fine without me. Lane can sing and play at the same time. "Thanks guys. I didn't know I meant all that much to the band. I guess I thought wrong."

"You mean the world to us," Lane said, tugging me into an awkward hug across the table.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, when I pulled away from Lane's hug. A text from Annie told me Bastille just finished their soundcheck and she needed the boys for something. "Guys we've gotta get back to the venue. Annie needs you two for something and I've gotta meet Dan."

We finished out coffees and walked the few blocks back to the venue. The wind nipped at us, driving us onward to the doors of the building. When we got inside, Annie rushed over to the boys and dragged them away.

Dan looked over from his conversation with Kyle. I slipped over to them and snaked my arms around Dan's waist. He settled his arm onto my shoulders and continued chatting with Kyle about something or other. I took in Dan's forresty scent.

"C'mon. Let's go watch a film or something," Dan whispered in my ear, gently tugging me towards the door.

I'm sorry. I can't express how sad I am to have struggled so hard to put something out. It feels like I'm trying to unlock a door that leads to nothing.
Things aren't as great as they used to be.
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